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The Plasma Membrane and Cell Transport Biology Sections 7.2 and 8.1 Biology Sections 7.2 and 8.1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Plasma Membrane and Cell Transport Biology Sections 7.2 and 8.1 Biology Sections 7.2 and 8.1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Plasma Membrane and Cell Transport Biology Sections 7.2 and 8.1 Biology Sections 7.2 and 8.1

2 Plasma Membrane G Plasma membrane - flexible boundary between a cell and its environment. Inside Cell Outside Cell

3 What is the nickname of the Plasma Membrane? The “Gate Keeper” Because it maintains homeostasis by controlling what enters and leaves the cell.

4 What does selectively permeable mean? G Membrane allows some molecules to pass while keeping others out. G Kind of like the screen on your window. G Membrane allows some molecules to pass while keeping others out. G Kind of like the screen on your window.

5 Structure of the Plasma Membrane. G Made of phospholipids like the one below:

6 Phospholipid G Phospholipid is made of glycerol backbone, two fatty acid tails and a phosphate group. Polar head (includes phosphate group) Nonpolar tails (fatty acids) Glycerol Backbone

7 Phosholipid Bilayer G There are two layers of phospholipids back to back, making the plasma membrane a phospholipid bilayer.

8 Model of the Plasma Membrane G Fluid Mosaic Model

9 What can be found in the Plasma Membrane G Proteins (Transport Proteins) G Cholesterol - for stabilizing the phospholipids. G Carbohydrates - identify chemical signals. G Proteins (Transport Proteins) G Cholesterol - for stabilizing the phospholipids. G Carbohydrates - identify chemical signals.

10 Transport Proteins

11 Cholesterol

12 Carbohydrates

13 Plasma Membrane Activity Color/draw the plasma membrane. Plasma Membrane Activity Color/draw the plasma membrane.

14 Transport Across the Plasma Membrane G 2 Main Types 1. Passive Transport - G Moves things with their concentration gradient. G No energy needed! 2. Active Transport - G Moves things against their concentration gradient. G Requires energy! G 2 Main Types 1. Passive Transport - G Moves things with their concentration gradient. G No energy needed! 2. Active Transport - G Moves things against their concentration gradient. G Requires energy!

15 What is a concentration gradient?

16 Passive Transport Moves things from high to low concentration. G Diffusion - simple movement from high to low concentration. No ENERGY required! G Osmosis - diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane. (No ENERGY required!) G Facilitated Diffusion - passive transport using a channel or carrier protein. (still does not require energy) G Diffusion - simple movement from high to low concentration. No ENERGY required! G Osmosis - diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane. (No ENERGY required!) G Facilitated Diffusion - passive transport using a channel or carrier protein. (still does not require energy)

17 Diffusion

18 Osmosis

19 Osmotic Pressure

20 Turgor Pressure - pressure of the water in a full vacuole of a plant cell against the cell wall.

21 Active Transport G Protein pump used to move particles from low to high concentration.

22 Na+ K+

23 Transport of Large Particles G Endocytosis - process by which a cell surrounds and takes in material. (Requires ENERGY) G Exocytosis - the explusion or secretion of a material from a cell. (Requires ENERGY) G Endocytosis - process by which a cell surrounds and takes in material. (Requires ENERGY) G Exocytosis - the explusion or secretion of a material from a cell. (Requires ENERGY)

24 Endocytosis

25 Exocytosis

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