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Approved Mental Health Professional Refresher Training Events 2009 Bryn Hoyle & Jennifer McNally Workforce Development Unit North Yorkshire County Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Approved Mental Health Professional Refresher Training Events 2009 Bryn Hoyle & Jennifer McNally Workforce Development Unit North Yorkshire County Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approved Mental Health Professional Refresher Training Events 2009 Bryn Hoyle & Jennifer McNally Workforce Development Unit North Yorkshire County Council

2 Workshop Day 1- 13/10/09 Continuing Professional Development (Bryn and Jennifer) Young People and the Mental Health Act (Dr Greg Richardson, CAMHS Psychiatrist) Introduction to the IMHA Service Mental Capacity Act interface with Mental Health Act (Alwyn Davies, Barnsley SSD)

3 Workshop Day 2 -22/10/09 Learning Disability and the Mental Health Act (Dr Mark Lovell, LD Psychiatrist) Transgender Awareness and the Mental Health Act (Gendershift)

4 Legal Days- 21/10/09 or 29/10/09 A full day looking at recent legal developments in the Mental Health Act with Christine Hewitt (Mental Health Training) Christine has a mental health background spanning many years. She was a member of the Mental Health Act Commission for nine years and is now a Lord Chancellor's Visitor and a Member of the Mental Health Review Tribunal. Christine is also a Visiting Lecturer at the School of Healthcare in the University of Leeds.

5 AMHP Continuing Professional Development Bryn Hoyle & Jennifer McNally Workforce Development Unit NYCC

6 What is CPD? Not just a training requirement Self-directed development It's about where you want to be, and how you plan to get there. A record of your learning And a legal requirement…

7 CPD and the MHA Conditions of approval An AMHP’s approval is subject to the conditions that the AMHP shall: complete at least 18 hours training relevant to the AMHP role in each year of approval the training to be agreed with the approving LSSA

8 CPD and NYCC NYCC have agreed that a CPD model would be the best way of meeting this 18 hour requirement One size does not fit all! CPD puts the responsibility onto the AMHP to design their own training WDU will provide 18 hours opportunity if required

9 What is ‘training’? Not specified in MHA83 Assumption that it must relate to an AMHPs ability to carry out their role under the Act WDU training chosen and monitored by acting AMHPs Doesn’t have to be formal classroom- based learning…

10 Undertaking formal additional related qualifications e.g. Best Interest Assessor Attendance at formal courses (a normal day course is 6 hours) Attendance at formal conferences/ seminars/ professional network meetings (e.g. YAMHP) E-learning Self directed private (or group) study/research including reading relevant literature or research papers or books, and perhaps discussing these with other AMHPs/colleagues/students Visits to Mental Health services that you are not familiar with, such as specialist community teams or residential and in-patient units

11 AMHPs can also log where they have contributed to others’ learning in a specialist Mental Health situation by Running or contributing to specialist Mental Health courses Speaking at a conference/seminar Acting as a practice supervisor/mentor for a trainee AMHP

12 CPD log Identify learning interventions Get agreement with your line manager if appropriate Undertake the learning intervention Write a short reflective statement about what you have learnt, and how it might impact on your practice. Sign it off with your line manager

13 The NYCC AMHP Blog Set up as an online resource for all AMHPs in North Yorkshire to use Post links to articles, research, policy documents, events, meetings etc. Register for email updates and comment Sign up to website and post your own links Will only work if it gets used!

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