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© WRc plc 2010 Agenda item 3b: Summary of WISE electronic delivery: presentation of an example.

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Presentation on theme: "© WRc plc 2010 Agenda item 3b: Summary of WISE electronic delivery: presentation of an example."— Presentation transcript:

1 © WRc plc 2010 Agenda item 3b: Summary of WISE electronic delivery: presentation of an example

2 © WRc plc 2010 Summary of WISE electronic delivery MS publish(ed) RBMPs by 22 December 2009 and reported electronic data to the Commission through WISE by 22 March 2010. Automatic validation on XML data on submission to WISE Validation process likely to lead to a number of issues being identified MSs will be asked to check and correct any detected errors or invalid entries EEA responsible for managing the validation process, for checking the results, and liaising with MSs regarding the resolution of validation issue Summary based on validated information/data Approximate machine generated translations (into English) of text fields

3 Front cover

4 © WRc plc 2010 Table of contents

5 © WRc plc 2010 Governance Competent authorities International co-operation Overview of RBMP Introduction Publication dates Table of contents More detailed programmes and management plans Justification for inaction Public participation Update of RBMP Detailed supporting documents

6 © WRc plc 2010 River Basin District Characteristics General Surface waters Delineation of surface water bodies Typology of surface water bodies Designation of HMWB and AWB Pressures on surface water bodies at a water body level Pressures on surface water bodies at sub-unit an RBD level Impacts on surface water bodies Groundwater Delineation of groundwater bodies Pressures on groundwater bodies at a water body level Pressures on groundwater bodies at sub-unit and RBD level Impacts on surface water bodies

7 © WRc plc 2010 River Basin District Characteristics (2) Economic analysis Investment costs Water services Volumes and prices Cost recovery International coordination Cost-effectiveness Information gaps Additional information Steps and measures taken to meet the requirements of Article 9 Definition of water services and uses Implementing Article 9.1 Environmental and resource costs Explanation of the use of Article 9(4) Water pricing strategy Cost recovery strategy Data collection and gaps Previous information and supporting documents Register of protected areas

8 © WRc plc 2010 Classification of status Surface waters Ecological status of surface waters Ecological potential of HMWB and AWB Chemical status of surface waters Groundwater Quantitative status of groundwater Chemical status of groundwater Threshold values

9 © WRc plc 2010 Monitoring – surface waters Numbers of monitoring sites Numbers of programmes and subprogrammes Design of monitoring programmes Design considerations - geographic scale, international aspects, start and end dates Design considerations - links to supporting documents Monitoring methodologies Summary of site, and quality element information reported at subprogramme level. Number of sites used for the surveillance and operational monitoring of quality elements Number of water bodies included in surveillance and operational monitoring Inclusion of all required biological quality elements in the surveillance monitoring of surface water bodies Biological quality elements monitored for operational purposes in relation to the significant pressures on a water body Investigative monitoring of surface waters Monitoring of surface waters protected areas

10 © WRc plc 2010 Monitoring – groundwater Summary and generic information Numbers of groundwater monitoring programmes Design of groundwater monitoring programmes Design considerations - geographic scale, international aspects, start and end dates Design considerations - links to supporting documents Monitoring methodologies Summary of site and groundwater parameter information reported at programme level. Number of sites used for quantitative, chemical surveillance and chemical operational monitoring of groundwater parameters Number of groundwater water bodies included in quantitative, chemical surveillance and operational monitoring Inclusion of all required parameters in chemical surveillance monitoring of groundwater Parameters monitored for chemical operational purposes in relation to the main pressures on groundwater bodies Monitoring of groundwater protected areas

11 © WRc plc 2010 Surface water status Summary Statistics Background information and data Overall ecological status/potential of waterbodies Overall chemical status of water bodies Ecological status of natural water bodies Rivers Lakes Transitional waters Coastal waters Ecological potential of heavily modified water bodies (Water categories) Ecological status of artificial water bodies (Water categories) Chemical status of surface waters

12 © WRc plc 2010 Groundwater status Quantitative status Overall summary of status of water bodies Reasons for failure to achieve good quantitative status: Chemical status Overall summary of status of water bodies Reasons for failure to achieve good chemical status Pollutants causing failure Natural background levels Groundwater bodies with significant upward trends Groundwater bodies with significant trend reversal Interpretation of maps on groundwater status

13 © WRc plc 2010 Status of Protected Areas Surface water Protected Areas Status of groundwater Article 7 Drinking Water Protected Areas

14 © WRc plc 2010 Environmental Objectives and Exemptions Information on how exemptions been applied to surface waters Surface waters - Ecological status exemptions Surface waters - Chemical status exemptions Information on how exemptions been applied to groundwaters Groundwater good quantitative status exemptions Groundwater good chemical status exemptions Surface water Protected Area exemptions Groundwater Article 7 Drinking Water Protected areas

15 © WRc plc 2010 Programme of Measures Basic measures Other basic measures Supplementary and additional measures in surface waters Supplementary and additional measures in ground waters Cost of measures Coordination of measures in international RBDs Additional comments and links to more detailed supporting documents

16 © WRc plc 2010 To be completed Summary of completeness check Compliance indicators

17 © WRc plc 2010 WISE summary report contains Basic information e.g. name of competent authority Basic statistics e.g. number of water bodies Simple and derived indicators e.g. ecological status of rivers, number of quality elements used to classify ecological status Summarised in tables and visualised in charts and figures Methodological and explanatory text e.g. for the classification of ecological status

18 © WRc plc 2010 Overall ecological status/potential of waterbodies

19 © WRc plc 2010 Simple indicator: Classification of the ecological status/potential and chemical status of all water bodies, natural water bodies, heavily modified and artificial water bodies in RBD

20 © WRc plc 2010 Simple indicator: Confidence in ecological classification

21 © WRc plc 2010 Simple indicator: Ecological status of rivers in RBD and each sub-unit – by river length

22 © WRc plc 2010 Derived indicator

23 © WRc plc 2010 Derived indicator

24 © WRc plc 2010 Methodological and explanatory text Economic analysis - Volumes and prices The methodology (e.g. aggregation) and assumptions used to estimate the volume, costs and prices associated with water services of the investments for the period of 2009 to 2015 were: ________ Ecological potential of HMWB and AWB The methodology used for the classification of ecological potential including the determination of the relevant quality elements and their class boundaries for artificial and heavily modified water bodies was:_____________ Interpretation of the maps resulting from surface water monitoring programmes The summary text for visualising Map 1 (ecological status of natural water bodies) and Map 2 (ecological potential of heavily modified water bodies) was as follows: ___________________

25 © WRc plc 2010 Next steps Completed dummy to be distributed for information to WGD Summary of WISE delivery reports to be produced for each RBD after validation – summer/autumn 2010 To be used in the Commission’s screening and assessment of RBMPs – starting autumn 2010

26 © WRc plc 2010 Thank you for your attention!!

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