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SC.912.E.7.8 Explain how various atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic conditions in Florida have influenced and can influence human behavior, both individually.

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Presentation on theme: "SC.912.E.7.8 Explain how various atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic conditions in Florida have influenced and can influence human behavior, both individually."— Presentation transcript:

1 SC.912.E.7.8 Explain how various atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic conditions in Florida have influenced and can influence human behavior, both individually and collectively.

2 Key Terms Atmospheric –The gaseous portion of the planet Oceanic –Large body of water surrounding continents Hydrologic –Cycle of water on the earth


4 The water cycle is also called the cycle.

5 Water that is stored in the oceans and lakes can and become a gas.

6 As the water rises through the atmosphere, it cools, condenses and becomes

7 When the water gets heavy enough it can fall to the ground in the form of different types of

8 If the lithosphere (ground) is saturated, the water that has fallen can become and flow directly into streams, rivers, or lakes.

9 If the lithosphere is not saturated, the water will the lithosphere and move into the zone of or the zone of

10 The interface (boundary) between these two zones is called the

11 The roots of plants can reach into the zone of soak up the water, and the water can then re-enter the atmosphere through the process of

12 evaporation condensation infiltration transpiration precipitation evaporation

13 DAY 2 What effect does Florida’s latitude, Elevation, water bodies and global wind have on our climate?

14 Factors That Affect Climate  Latitude As latitude increases, the intensity of solar energy decreases. The tropical zone is between 23.5 o north (the tropic of Cancer) and 23.5 o south (the tropic of Capricorn) of the equator. The sun’s rays are most intense and the temperatures are always warm. The temperate zones are between 23.5 o and 66.5 o north and between 23.5 o and 66.5 o south of the equator. The sun’s rays strike Earth at a smaller angle than near the equator.

15 Earth’s Major Climate Zones

16 Factors That Affect Climate  Elevation The higher the elevation is, the colder the climate.  Topography Topographic features such as mountains play an important role in the amount of precipitation that falls over an area.

17 Factors That Affect Climate  Water Bodies Large bodies of water such as lakes and oceans have an important effect on the temperature of an area because the temperature of the water body influences the temperature of the air above it.  Atmospheric Circulation Global winds are another factor that influences climate because they distribute heat and moisture around Earth.

18 What effect does Florida’s latitude, Elevation, water bodies and global wind have on our climate? Lattitude- temperate zone close to tropical –Generally warm year round Elevation- sea level –No decrease in temperature due to mountains Water body- OCEAN –Places near a large body of water generally have milder seasons Global wind –Moves heat and moisture around earth, ie Hurricanes

19 DAY 3 Recalling this previous information, list reasons people would live in Florida. –Think- pair-share with a partner Atmospheric Oceanic Hydrologic

20 Recalling this previous information, list reasons people would LEAVE in Florida. –Think- pair-share with a partner Atmospheric Oceanic Hydrologic

21 CREATE a Venn Diagram Compare and contrast your living vs leaving florida conditions.

22 FCIM Assessment

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