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Rock Environments.

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1 Rock Environments

2 Igneous rocks Igneous rock is formed from volcanic material.
Igneous rock that crystallizes beneath earth’s surface is called intrusive. An example of this would be granite. That granite can later be exposed on Earth’s surface Igneous rock that crystallizes on earth’s surface is called extrusive. An example of this would be basalt on the ocean floor Another example would be other extrusive rocks like rhyolite.

3 Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary rock is formed by sediments that have been broken down by weathering and erosion. Sediments can be moved by water, glacial ice, gravity or wind. A fast-flowing river and ocean waves tend to move large sediment. Small, gritty sediment is typically deposited in calm environments such as the seafloor or bottom of the lake. Sedimentary rocks can be clastic, organic or chemical Clastic rocks environments are determined by their sediment size. Organic rocks are rocks that contain parts of once- living things. Chemical rocks form when minerals crystallize directly from water.

4 Metamorphic Rocks Most metamorphic rocks form deep within Earth’s crust. They form under high temperature and pressure conditions. Without melting, these rocks bend or fold. This permanent change in shape by bending and folding is called “plastic deformation”. Plastic deformation occurs during uplift events when tectonic plates collide and form mountains.

5 Scoria Shield Volcano

6 basalt Oceanic Crust

7 Pumice Underwater Volcano

8 obsidian Lava cooling rapidly in water

9 rhyolite Volcanoes

10 granite Cooling magma Underground

11 coquina Beaches

12 Sandstone Sand dunes Deserts

13 breccia Bottom of Steep Cliffs Landslides

14 conglomerate Rivers

15 Limestone Deep sea

16 Shale Lakes Floodplains

17 Petrified Wood Forest

18 Coal Swamps or Forests or Mountains

19 Gneiss Mountains

20 quartzite Mountains

21 Marble Mountains

22 schist Mountains

23 Rock Environment Map Make sure that you have designated places on your map where you can find Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary rocks. Include the main types of each of these rock types. Then make sure that you have included a place where each of the specific rock types mentioned could be found.

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