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Journal 10/18 This journal has multiple parts so make sure you answer all parts! In regards to your Ind. Reading novel- How far along are you in the book.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal 10/18 This journal has multiple parts so make sure you answer all parts! In regards to your Ind. Reading novel- How far along are you in the book."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 10/18 This journal has multiple parts so make sure you answer all parts! In regards to your Ind. Reading novel- How far along are you in the book so far? What has been your favorite part? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why or why not? In regards to Freedom Writers- How far along are you in the book so far? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why or why not? In regards to this class- Many of you have D’s or F’s in this class right now. Have you turned in your college essay? Have you turned in your cause and effect essay(s)? Have you been reading the book and using class time wisely? What do you think you could do to help improve the class and your grade?

2 Active vs. Passive Voice

3 Active Voice In an active sentence the subject is doing the action (this is how we normally write). Examples: I love my dogs.

4 Passive Voice In a passive sentence the target of the action gets promoted to the subject position. Examples: My dogs are loved by me.

5 Is passive voice “wrong”? Passive voice isn’t wrong but they are often not the way you want to present your thoughts. However, in most formal writings it is best to avoid passive voice when possible for many reasons. First of all, passive voice can make sentences awkward and, at other times it can be can be vague. Finally, passive voice is usually wordy; your writing will be more assertive and better if you replace your passive sentences with an active sentence.

6 Why should you avoid passive? The following sentence is a passive sentence, but what information does it leave out? Emmilee is loved. Amy was driven to the airport.

7 Who would use passive voice? Politicians- “Mistakes were made”—Ronald Reagan (after the Iran-Contra scandal) “Bombs were dropped” “Shots were fired”

8 When should you use passive voice (other than if you were a politician) If you don’t know who is taking the action and are unable to name the person. When would this be an issue? If you are trying to create a suspenseful or mysterious effect in fiction writing Passive voice is also recommended in science writing to help create a sense of objectivity (they are, in a sense, taking themselves out of the experiments and making it more universal)

9 Work Cited Fogarty, Mignon. "Active Voice Versus Passive Voice." Grammar Girl. N.p., 22 2010. Web. 18 Oct 2012.

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