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Center of Gravity Chapter 10.

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1 Center of Gravity Chapter 10

2 Center of Gravity Object’s average position of weight
For symmetrical objects of uniform density, CG is located at geometric center May be located outside of oddly shaped objects Objects rotate about their center of gravity

3 Center of Gravity All the weight of an object appears to be located at center of gravity For projectiles, center of gravity moves in parabolic path. Even for exploding objects, center of gravity continues unchanged.

4 Center of Mass For nearly all objects is the same as center of gravity
Average position of all mass in object Systems of objects rotate about center of mass: solar system center of mass not at center of sun so it wobbles as planets revolve

5 Locating Center of Gravity
For suspended objects, CG is directly beneath suspension point. To find CG, suspend object from several points, draw vertical line down from suspension point each time Intersection of lines is CG

6 Toppling Objects topple (tip over) when CG is beyond supporting base
Example: Leaning Tower of Pisa Large base helps support objects Important for rocket launches

7 Stability Depends on location of CG
Stable equilibrium: any displacement will raise CG of object--cone balanced on base Unstable equilibrium: any displacement will lower CG of object--cone on tip Neutral equilibrium: displacement will not change level of CG--cone on side

8 Stability If CG is below suspension point, object is in stable equilibrium Tall buildings have CG below ground level Light objects rise to the surface because CG is lowered Larger objects also rise because CG will be lower if smaller, denser material is below.

9 Center of Gravity of People
Person’s CG depends on body shape Can be changed by changing position of arms, legs. Important in dance, gymnastics, diving, etc. Spreading feet apart widens base, increases stability.

10 Vocabulary Center of gravity Center of mass Neutral equilibrium
Stable equilibrium Unstable Equilibrium

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