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2012 SWAAAE STUDENT PRESENTATION Bridging Generations & Learning for TomorrowBridging Generations & Learning for Tomorrow.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 SWAAAE STUDENT PRESENTATION Bridging Generations & Learning for TomorrowBridging Generations & Learning for Tomorrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 SWAAAE STUDENT PRESENTATION Bridging Generations & Learning for TomorrowBridging Generations & Learning for Tomorrow

2 STEP 1STEP 1 Identify At Risk Positions and Critical Knowledge… Identify At Risk Positions and Critical Knowledge…

3 Who Are The Workers?Who Are The Workers?

4 What’s So Different About Them?What’s So Different About Them? Traditionalist Baby BoomersGeneration XGeneration Y OutlookPracticalOptimisticSkepticalHopeful Work EthicDedicatedDrivenBalancedAmbitious View of AuthorityRespectfulLove/HateunimpressedRelaxed, Polite Leadership By…HierarchyConsensusCompetence Achievement, pulling together RelationshipsSelf-Sacrifice Personal Gratification Reluctance To CommitLoyal, Inclusive PerspectiveCivic-MindedTeam-OrientedSelf-ReliantCivic-Minded Turn-OffsVulgarityPolitical correctnessClichés, Hype Cynicism Condescension CommunicationFormalFace To FaceInformalTechnology Work/FamilyKeep Work SeparateWork Comes From Value Work/Life Balance Work/Life Blended Together TechnologyDigital AliensDigital ImmigrantsDigital AdaptersDigital Natives Time Away From Office I've Earned itIf I want it, I'll Take ItI Deserve ItI Expect It

5 What Positions Are At Risk?What Positions Are At Risk? Traditionalists (Already Begun to Retire) Traditionalists (Already Begun to Retire) Baby Boomers (Will Soon Retire) Baby Boomers (Will Soon Retire)

6 STEP 2STEP 2 Identify Successors for At Risk Positions and Critical Knowledge… Identify Successors for At Risk Positions and Critical Knowledge…

7 Where Do The Successors Fall?Where Do The Successors Fall?

8 STEP 3STEP 3 Develop A Knowledge Transfer Plan…

9 Determine ObjectivesDetermine Objectives

10 Select MethodsSelect Methods That Gain & Use Critical Knowledge…That Gain & Use Critical Knowledge…Categories: Gain & Use  Gain: These methods help a person to collect and receive information or knowledge from another source.  Use: These methods help a person apply what they have learned into their job duties, responsibilities, projects, etc.

11 Methods to Gain & Use Critical Knowledge: Gain: Collect & Receive Use: Apply What You Learned Job ShadowingJob Guides MentoringLearning Games TrainingE-Learning Succession PlansJob Aids Learning GamesVolunteer Interviews E- Learning Interactive Flashcards

12 Select MethodsSelect Methods That Evaluate Knowledge Transfer…That Evaluate Knowledge Transfer…Category: Evaluate  Evaluate- These methods help a person review and monitor what they have been doing, and if they are doing it the best way possible.

13 Methods To Evaluate Knowledge Transfer: Evaluate: Review & Monitor Project Reviews Performance Reviews E-Learning Reviews

14 Develop A TimeframeDevelop A Timeframe

15 STEP 4STEP 4 Execute Knowledge Transfer Plan…

16 STEP 5STEP 5 Use Appropriate Methods to Store Critical Knowledge…

17 Category Choices: Manual, Audible, Visual  Manuals- These are written and typed tools that can help keep records, procedures, instructions, etc.  For example: Hand-written Outlines and Notes Typed Instructions on Excel Spreadsheets  Audibles- These are listening tools that can help explain procedures, instructions, step-by-step guides, etc.  For example: Voice Recordings  Visuals- These are relatable tools that can help further explain procedures, instructions, etc.  For example: How-to Videos Webinars

18 Master List: Manuals, Audibles, Visuals Manuals: Written or Typed Tools Audibles: Listening Tools Visuals: Relatable Tools Flash Drive RecordsVoice RecordingsWebinars Document Processes (Audio)“How-to” Videos Written /Typed (Flashcards) Paper Records

19 Video Slide…Video Slide…

20 Presentation Wrap Up…Presentation Wrap Up…

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