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Hosted by… Mr. David Click to begin.. Click here for Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Hosted by… Mr. David Click to begin.. Click here for Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hosted by… Mr. David Click to begin.

2 Click here for Final Jeopardy

3 Philosophy Athens and Sparta Alexander 100 Points 200 Points 300 Points 400 Points 500 Points 100 Points 200 Points 300 Points 400 Points 500 Points 300 Points 400 Points 500 Points Greek CultureWars

4 Wars Points 100 These two sides fought in the Persian Wars

5 Wars Points 100 Who are the Greeks and the Persians?

6 Wars Points 200 These two sides fought in the Peloponnesian War

7 Wars Points 200 Athens and Sparta

8 Wars Points 300 Describe the Greeks before the Persian war and after the war

9 Wars Points 300 Before the war=Greeks divided, fight each other, no cooperation After the war= united and work together to defeat the Persians

10 Wars Points 400 Name two results of the Persian War.

11 Wars Points 400 Greeks win, democracy saved, Greeks united, Greeks (especially Athens) experience a Golden Age of achievement in arts, science, math, and history

12 Wars Points 500 What causes the Peloponnesian War?

13 Wars Points 500 Athens forms Delian League with its allies, Spartans forms Peloponnesian League with its allies, Spartans fear Athens is becoming too powerful, Athens tries to force its rule on others

14 Philosophy –Points 100 What is the Socratic method?

15 Philosophy –Points 100 Asking questions to get people to come to the truth

16 Philosophy –Points 200 What does Plato write about?

17 Philosophy Points 200 The best kind of government

18 What is philosophy? Philosophy –Points 300

19 Organized system of thought (way of thinking about the world)

20 Philosophy –Points 400 Name two of the subjects Aristotle studies

21 Logic, astronomy, geology, biology, physics Philosophy –Points 400

22 Philosophy –Points 500 Put the first three philosophers in the correct chronological order

23 Socrates Plato Aristotle Philosophy Points 500

24 Greek Culture Points 100 This man was the Father of Medicine and said that doctors should never do anything to try and harm a patient

25 Greek Culture Points 100 Who is Hippocrates?

26 Greek Culture Points 200 Sculptures like the Discus Thrower showed what new ideas/trends in art?

27 Greek Culture Points 200 Human subjects, very detailed, can see muscles, realistic

28 Greek Culture Points 300 Who is Aeschylus?

29 Greek Culture Points 300 Greek tragic playwright who writes Orestia

30 Greek Culture Points 400 What two books does Homer write?

31 Greek Culture Points 400 Iliad and the Odyssey

32 Greek Culture Points – 500 What was the difference between Herodotus and Thucydides?

33 Greek Culture Points – 500 Herodotus- wrote about Persian Wars, used the gods/goddesses to explain why events happened Thucydides- wrote about Peloponnesian War, used only humans to explain why events happened, history like a science

34 Athens and Sparta Points 100 What is this building?

35 Athens and Sparta Points 100 What is the Parthenon?

36 Athens and Sparta Points 200 Describe life in Sparta

37 Boys begin military training at age 7, simple life, everything is dedicated to war Athens and Sparta Points 200

38 Athens and Sparta Points 300 Name two of the famous Greek mathematicians

39 Athens and Sparta Points 300 Euclid- geometry Pythagoras- Pythagorean theorem Archimedes- physics, math

40 Athens and Sparta Points 400 What government does Athens eventually adopt (explain what it means)?

41 Athens and Sparta Points 400 Direct democracy (all male citizens can vote)

42 Athens and Sparta Points 500 Explain two important achievements of the Age of Pericles

43 Athens and Sparta Points 500 Beginning of direct democracy, Athens creates an empire, builds Parthenon, Golden Age in science and literature

44 Alexander Points 100 Who is Alexander’s father?

45 Philip II Alexander Points 100

46 Alexander Points 200 Alexander is from this area/country

47 Macedonia Alexander Points 200

48 Who teaches Alexander about Greek culture? Alexander Points 300

49 Alexander Points 300 Aristotle

50 Alexander Points 400 Name three areas that Alexander conquers.

51 Egypt, Greece, Persia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq Alexander Points 400

52 Alexander Points 500 Define Hellenism

53 Mixing together of Greek and Middle Eastern/Asian cultures Alexander Points 500

54 Make your wager

55 Topic: Philosophy

56 Explain the difference between Epicureanism and Stoicism?

57 Epicureanism- do what makes you happy Stoicism- inner happiness regardless of what is happening to you

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