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World History Semester Review Some Important People  Solon- Leader of Athens who introduced social, political, and economic reforms.  Pericles- Statesman.

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2 World History Semester Review

3 Some Important People  Solon- Leader of Athens who introduced social, political, and economic reforms.  Pericles- Statesman who established direct democracy in Athens.  King Leonidas- Spartan warrior-king who died in the battle at Thermopylae.  Sophocles- Playwright who wrote Antigone.  Homer- Blind poet credited with creating the Iliad and the Odyssey.*

4 More important people HHippocrates- Physician whose oath set ethical standards for doctors. SSocrates- Philosopher who examined beliefs and ideas through critical questioning. AArchimedes- Scientist who applied principles of physics to make practical inventions. AAristotle- Philosopher who taught good conduct meant following a moderate course. PPythagoras- Mathematician who derived a formula to calculate the relationship between sides of a right triangle.*

5 Even more important people  Herodotus- Historian who wrote about the Persian Wars.  Aristocracy- Rule by the landholding elite.  Democracy- Government by the people.  Monarchy- Government in which a King or Queen exercises central power.  Rhetoric- Art of skillful speaking.  Strait- A narrow water passage.*

6 Some basic facts  Minoan civilization owed its success mainly to trading with other civilizations.  The great epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, reveal much about the lives of the ancient Greeks.  The rocky islands and isolated valleys of Greece contributed to the development of individual city-states.  From childhood, Spartan boys were trained to be soldiers.*

7 Some more basic facts  Athens enjoyed a golden age under the leadership of Pericles.  Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian cultures contributed to the new Hellenistic civilization.  Alexander’s greatest achievement was spreading Greek culture.  According to Aristotle, the best government was ruled by a strong and virtuous leader.*

8 Just about done with Greece  Following the Persian Wars, Greece was dominated by...  Greek theater evolved out of...  Conflict between Athens and Sparta resulted in what wars?  The works of Greek artists and architects emphasized this...  This geographical characteristic provided Greece with a link to the outside world…*

9 Possible Essay questions  List the differences between Athens and Sparta  Describe the kinds of government Greeks developed between 750 b.c. and 500 b.c.  List three similarities between the ideas of Plato and Aristotle.  Describe three popular themes of Greek drama

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