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Here’s where we left off last

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1 Here’s where we left off last
Here’s where we left off last. France had just become a constitutional monarchy in Thousands of French nobles became emigres, fleeing to neighboring countries

2 In 1791, Louis XVI and his family fled Paris to ally with emigres who would help him overthrow the government and break the Constitution. However, he was caught and arrested..

3 The French people no longer trusted Louis XVI
The French people no longer trusted Louis XVI. They imprisoned him and began to discuss ending the monarchy altogether and establishing a Republic.

4 But the Legislative Assembly could not agree on a course to govern the country. It was divided between Feuillants (constitutional monarchists) who sat on the right, Girondists (liberal republicans) in the center, and Jacobins (radical revolutionaries) who sat on the left. These words are still being used today to describe politics around the world.

5 Marie Antoinette called upon her brother, the Hapsburg Emperor Leopold II of Austria, for help.
He, along with King Fredrick William II of Prussia, issued the Pillnitz Declaration, which supported a return to absolute monarchy in France.

6 In 1792, the Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria
In 1792, the Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria. Prussia, Sardinia, and other strong European monarchies declared war on France and invaded the country to support Louis XVI.

7 The war sent Paris into a panic as everyone feared the Austrians and Prussians would sweep into the city. Soldiers from Marseilles marched into Paris to defend it against tyrants at home and abroad. Their song, La Marseillaise, became France’s national anthem.

8 In 1792, the Legislative Assembly abolished the French Monarchy and re-imprisoned the ex-King’s family. The Paris Commune became the official government of France, and the Legislative Assembly dissolved itself, calling for new elections for a National Convention to write a new Constitution for the French Republic.

9 Describe the point of view of this person. Do you agree or disagree?

10 Here’s a little preview…

11 The National Convention declared universal manhood suffrage
The National Convention declared universal manhood suffrage. The Convention was initially divided between Girondists and Jacobins, but over time favored the radicals. The Jacobins brought Louis XVI to trial for betraying the nation and sentenced him to death by guillotine. It had been over 100 years since the English Civil war and even the Americans were shocked that the French killed their own King.

12 Some of the most infamous Jacobins were Georges-Jacques Danton, Maxililien Robespierre and Jean-Paul Marat. l

13 Not only were the French people shocking the rest of Europe by killing their king, they were even winning the war against Austria. The monarchs of Europe were worried that the Revolution would spread – the saying was, “When France sneezes, Europe catches a cold.” Now, even moderate countries like England, the United Provinces and Spain joined the war against France.






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