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DG Environment “Support to Water Policy Fitness Check ” First findings conference - Intro 10 May 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "DG Environment “Support to Water Policy Fitness Check ” First findings conference - Intro 10 May 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 DG Environment “Support to Water Policy Fitness Check ” First findings conference - Intro
10 May 2011

2 Agenda Our team The objectives of the study Our methodology
The high level planning Questions and answers

3 1.Our project team

4 1.1. Who is Deloitte? Deloitte is the world’s largest professional services firms. Based in more than 300 offices in the European Union, our 20,000 people offer a complete range of services to help clients. We have offices in cities in thirty-five European countries and are present in all twenty-seven EU Member States.  We offer specialised public sector services in Brussels, staffed by multi-lingual professionals from several Member States. The Brussels-based practice has twenty years of experience in carrying out policy studies, impact assessments and evaluations for the Public Sector. The Policy Services practice delivers a wide range of services, which can be summarised under four main headings: Analysis/Strategic studies Policy Design Policy Evaluation and impact assessment Policy Implementation

5 1.2. Who is IEEP? IEEP is a leading European centre for the analysis and development of environmental and related sectoral policies in Europe and beyond. IEEP is an independent (non-governmental/non-partisan) and not-for-profit charity, established in the 1970s, now in London (since 1980) and Brussels (2001). Being at the forefront of thinking about environmental aspects of EU policies and keeping an open dialogue between policy-makers and stakeholders, IEEP is constantly developing and pushing innovative approaches, with the valuation of ecosystem services being one of the more recent examples, where IEEP is a leading player in UNEP’s TEEB initiative. IEEP has inter-disciplinary research programmes on climate change/energy, biodiversity, waste and water, agriculture, marine and fisheries, environmental economics and environmental governance. Together with Earthscan, IEEP publishes the renowned Manual of European Environmental Policy IEEP has been an active player in the field of analysing and developing EU Water Policy, carrying out projects, for example, for the IMPEL Network on the relationship between the Water Framework Directive and the IPPC Directive or analysing apporaches to combat Water Scarcity and linkages to climate change.

6 1.3. Who is our team? Richard Doherty Responsible partner
Diana Ursachi Business analyst and evaluator Luc Chalsège Director and quality manager Axel Volkery (IEEP) Senior Policy Analyst & Head of the Environmental Governance Programme (acting) Benoit Vandresse Manager and project manager Andrew Farmer (IEEP) Head of Industry, Waste and Water Programme Lydia Da Silva Gaspar Senior consultant and evaluator Kristof Geeraerts (IEEP) Senior Policy Analyst, Environmental Governance Programme

7 2.Objectives of the study

8 2.1. Objectives and focus of the study
To support a fitness check of the EU (Fresh) Water Policy in order to identify “excessive burdens, overlaps, gaps, inconsistencies and/or obsolete measures which may have appeared over time” and could impede upon efficient, effective and consistent water policy implementation, as stated in the Work Programme for 2010. Examine the extent to which the EU (Fresh) Water Policy instruments have contributed to achieve the EU objectives and the way the instruments work together. Focus Map and synthesize all objectives and instruments. Analyse the coherence and robustness of the EU water policy. Identify drivers of & barriers to implementa-tion. Use an integrated evaluation approach focusing on the inter-linkages with other policy areas Focus on specific aspects related to infringement and compliance.

9 2.2. EU water policy instruments covered
Legislative actions Water Framework Directive Groundwater Directive Directive on Environmental Quality Standards Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive Nitrates Directive Floods Directive Non legislative tools Communication on Water Scarcity and Droughts White paper on adaptation to climate change

10 2.3. Four broad evaluation dimensions
Relevance Coherence Literature review Targeted interviews (>50) Three web-based surveys Effectiveness Efficiency

11 3.Approach & methodology

12 Literature review (strategic documents, studies, etc.)
3.1. Overall approach The overall approach is both top-down and bottom-up driven to ensure an optimum outcome. Top-down driven approach Interviews with European Commission Officials SCG members Workshop attended by EU officials Literature review (strategic documents, studies, etc.) Bottom-up driven approach Web-based questionnaires Interviews with EU-level key-stakeholders (NGOs, Copa-Cogeca, EWA, etc.) Water basins key-stakeholders Workshop attended by stakeholders

13 Synthesizing the current state-of-the art
3.2. Literature review Synthesizing the current state-of-the art A thorough screening of relevant recent academic and non-academic literature on European water policy Analysis of a broad range of sources, including web-sites of public authorities, NGOs and industry as well as leading academic journals and books Structured according to findings on the Relevance Coherence Achievements in enforcement and implementation Effectiveness and efficiency Underpinned by findings from five focused case studies.

14 3.3. Mapping exercise of the water policy instruments
From individual mapping to a comprehensive EU water policy mapping

15 Interviews with programme stakeholders
3.4. Data collection tools Interviews with programme stakeholders Face-to-face interviews with Commission officials ; A series of interviews with EU-level key stakeholders either face-to- face or by phone if located out of Brussels (e.g. AISE, EUREAU, EWA) A series of interviews in each of the five water basins chosen within the sample with key stakeholders (National Authorities, representatives of the sector, NGOs, etc.). => In total about 50 people interviewed by phone or face-to-face. - 15 -

16 3.5. Data collection tools Case studies
Scheldt Focus on pollution and ground water pollution Danube Large basin, large scope... Guadiana Focus on water scarcity and drought Po Focus on water scarcity and drought Severn Focus on floods, nitrate, environmental issues - 16 -

17 Three web based surveys
3.6. Data collection tools Three web based surveys Three web-based surveys to collect views and opinions from: Public water authority at national level Public and River basin level (29 respondents) Other stakeholders (NGO representative, industry expert, academic, etc.) (31 respondents) Countries represented: - 17 -

18 Workshop with EU and national officials
3.7. Data collection tools Workshop with EU and national officials Objective: to present the main findings of the draft evaluation report and gather the feedback of the stakeholders. Audience: You: DG ENV and other relevant Commission officials, Water Directors, Water managers, national stakeholdes involved in related water policies… Organisation: Two steps Plenary session: Presentation of the main findings Working groups: Effectiveness and needs Coherence with the other environmental policies Coherence with non environmental policies Cooperation and administrative machinery “What could be done to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and coherence of the body of legislation affecting the EU freshwater policy sector?” - 18 -

19 4. Planning

20 4. High level planning 1.Inception report content | 2. Proposed approach, methodology & working tools | 3. High level planning | 4.Next steps

21 Questions ?

22 Contact details Axel Volkery Luc Chalsège
Kristof Geeraerts Luc Chalsège Benoît Vandresse: Lydia Da Silva Gaspar: Diana Ursachi

23 Business Consulting – turning ideas into reality
Business Consulting focuses on developing and improving the efficiency of the clients’ organisation, core processes, financial management and IT to help realise their strategic objectives. We know all the ins and outs of the public and private sectors and combine our professional competencies with the skill in managing, steering and implementing projects in complex environments. Be it as advisers or process managers from idea stage to implementation. About Deloitte Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a glo-bally connected network of member firms in more than 140 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and deep local expertise to help clients succeed wherever they operate. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. © 2010 Deloitte Business Consulting A/S. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited

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