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October 21 & 22, 2015 Please take out your 3-ring binder and something with which to write.

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Presentation on theme: "October 21 & 22, 2015 Please take out your 3-ring binder and something with which to write."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 21 & 22, 2015 Please take out your 3-ring binder and something with which to write

2 Homework Read p. 484-487 p. 487 #3,4,5 Textbooks Next Class? No

3 Quote of the Day “.”-“.”-

4 Review Video Handout From the History Channel 20:00-47:00

5 Ball Review Game

6 The Dark Knight Rises-FR Theory Similarities? How? 0:00-0:45 Pay attention to the different job roles/social statuses Pay attention to what is said Pay attention to what Bane is wearing What FR event might this depict? What is happening? What FR event might this depict?

7 Today’s Main Ideas j

8 9. Brunswick Manifesto Issued by Duke of Brunswick/Commander of Allied Army (Prussia & Austria) If French Royal Family is harmed…French citizens will be harmed Meant to intimidate…instead incited further radicalness by France

9 8. Declaration of Pilnitz j

10 j

11 French Revolution Stages Stage 1: Rebellion of the 3 rd Estate Stage 2: Reign of Terror

12 10. Explain what happens during the 2 nd Revolution (Reign of Terror). p. 478 (Coach Kenney will read aloud) Make a bulleted list SPECIFIC examples

13 The Execution of Louis XVI Family Guy

14 Headline Challenge 3 minutes Write a newspaper headline for the beheading of King Louis XVI We will share out Class will vote whether your headline is good or whether you get the “guillotine”

15 Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum r-history/

16 11. Committee of Public Safety Created to deal with the threats to France War Rebellion Food Shortages Inflation Divided Convention Root out opponents to the revolution Save the revolution

17 12. Maximilien Robespierre Leader of the Committee of Public Safety Rousseau’s idea of general will as source of legitimate law “Republic of virtue” achieved through use of terror Hasty trials “Death to traitors”

18 12. The Reign of Terror July 1793-July 1794, ~40,000 people executed 80% of those killed = Members of the 3 rd Estate Committee of Public Safety turned on Robespierre and he, too, was guillotined

19 Today’s Main Ideas j

20 Homework Read p. 484-487 p. 487 #3,4,5 Textbooks Next Class? No

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