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AEMERA and the Future of Lake Monitoring in Alberta – 2015 Update Ron Zurawell, Ph.D. P.Biol.

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Presentation on theme: "AEMERA and the Future of Lake Monitoring in Alberta – 2015 Update Ron Zurawell, Ph.D. P.Biol."— Presentation transcript:

1 AEMERA and the Future of Lake Monitoring in Alberta – 2015 Update Ron Zurawell, Ph.D. P.Biol.

2 What is AEMERA? The Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Agency was created to respond to the need for a “world-class” monitoring, evaluation and reporting (MER) system to provide assurance that Alberta’s natural resources are being developed in an environmentally responsible manner.

3 AEMERA in the IRMS AEMERA is one of the three pillars of the Integrated Resource Management System (IRMS). The IRMS is the means by which Alberta will achieve responsible resource stewardship through: Government policy (AB Energy) & (AB Environment & Parks) Energy regulation (AB Energy Regulator) Non-energy regulation (AB Environment & Parks), and Independent environmental monitoring (AEMERA).

4 AEMERA Legislated Responsibilities The GOA outlined the following responsibilities for AEMERA in its enabling legislation, the Protecting Alberta’s Environment Act section 3(1): To obtain credible and relevant scientific data and other information regarding the condition of the environment in Alberta; To ensure the data and other information are available and reported to the public in an open and transparent manner

5 AEMERA Implementation Update Divisions: Operations (Monitoring), Science, Strategy & Communications, Finance & Admin. Permanent Division VP’s in place Organizational structure being developed Permanent offers to seconded management & non-union staff underway Permanent offers to seconded union staff starting June

6 Lake Monitoring in Alberta Centrally managed by AEMERA: 1.Long-term programs (LTLN & Provincial Parks Program) 2.Regionally-focused lake programs (Southern L&R, CARL, UAR, Peace Region) 3.Partnered lake monitoring (ALMS’ Lakewatch)

7 AB Lake/Res. Monitoring Network Monitoring Program Agency Year Initiated # Lakes/Sampling Frequency WQ ParametersBiological Monitoring Long-term Lake Network AEMERA1980 5 basins/ 2 (even yrs); 3 (odd yrs) Nutrients Ion chemistry Physical parameters *discrete top and bottom for metals Chlorophyll Phytoplankton Zooplankton Microcystin (2005) Prov. Parks Lake Monitoring AEMERA/ ALMS Contractor mid- 1980’s 20 basins/ 5/yr alternating 4-yr cycle Nutrients Ion chemistry Physical parameters Metals (recent) Chlorophyll Phytoplankton (recent) Zooplankton (recent) Microcystin (2005) Central AB Rec. Lakes AEMERA2006 Central AB’s highly-used rec. lakes; ≈ 3/yr Nutrients Ion chemistry Physical parameters Metals (recent) Chlorophyll Phytoplankton Zooplankton (recent) Microcystin (2005) Southern Lakes & Reservoirs AEMERA2005 Southern AB’s lakes & res.; ≈ 4/yr Nutrients Ion chemistry Physical parameters Metals (recent) Chlorophyll Phytoplankton (recent) Zooplankton (recent) Microcystin (2005) ALMS Lakewatch ALMS/ Volunteers 1996 Citizen volunteer- based; ≈ 23/yr Nutrients Ion chemistry Physical parameters Metals Chlorophyll Phytoplankton (recent) Zooplankton (recent) Microcystin (2005) AEMERA provides funding, equipment and training AEMERA maintains WQ database; validated data made public

8 Aquatic Invasive Species Program Veliger (larval mussel) sampling coordination Data management & reporting Surveillance support (sample assessment) Emergency response planning & support

9 Contact Information Ron Zurawell Ph.D., P.Biol. Surface Water Quality Lead Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Agency

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