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WELCOME to DEBATE! First: Choose 1 of the 2 questions below Write an argument with 2-3 warrants. (1)The best way to find the slope of the line through.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to DEBATE! First: Choose 1 of the 2 questions below Write an argument with 2-3 warrants. (1)The best way to find the slope of the line through."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to DEBATE! First: Choose 1 of the 2 questions below Write an argument with 2-3 warrants. (1)The best way to find the slope of the line through the points in this table is… (2)The most frustrating mistake students make is… X-4-24818 Y-5-271328 @PiSpeak

2 ARGUMENT - a statement made with sound reasoning. Every argument has two key parts: CLAIM - the controversial statement being made. WARRANT - the justification for the claim. ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT “My CLAIM is ___________ and my WARRANT is _____________________” @PiSpeak

3 ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Soapbox Debate @PiSpeak Choose 1 of the 2 questions below Write an argument with 2-3 warrants. (1)The best way to find the slope of the line through the points in this table is… (2)The most frustrating mistake students make is… X-4-24818 Y-5-271328

4 A Full Scale Debate @PiSpeak

5 The Structure Break into teams ~20mins of prep: Do the math Decide on strongest warrants Choose roles (just first 2) “Write speeches” @PiSpeak

6 The Debate Each team must have 2-3 warrants for their side of the debate. At least 2 must be grounded in math content. @PiSpeak

7 The Roles OPENING SPEAKER Time: 3 minutes QUESTION ASKER QUESTION ANSWERER Time: 3 minutes ATTACKER DEFENDER Time: 2 minutes CLOSING Time: 2 minutes @PiSpeak

8 Go! @PiSpeak



11 ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Let’s Begin! @PiSpeak


13 ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Final Thoughts? @PiSpeak

14 Contact Me! @PiSpeak @PiSpeak

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