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Vocabulary Group 1.

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1 Vocabulary Group 1

2 An act of great cruelty and wickedness
atrocity N BAD An act of great cruelty and wickedness The genocide committed in Cambodia by Pol Pot is one of the atrocities of the 20th century.

3 dire A BAD 1.Having terrible consequences or 2.urgent or desperate
The super hero saved the earth from the dire predicament that threatened to destroy it.

4 Deliberately offensive and shocking
flagrant A BAD Deliberately offensive and shocking She was charged with contempt of court because of her flagrant disregard for authority.

5 Stormy, harsh, or unmerciful
inclement A BAD Stormy, harsh, or unmerciful Many northerners flee to the south during the winter to avoid the inclement weather.

6 irksome A BAD annoying and tedious
The irksome task of cleaning the bathroom always fell to Irma.

7 malevolent A BAD Producing harm or evil
With all the bad things happening, Melody was sure there was a malevolent spirit haunting her.

8 dependent on uncertain premises
precarious A BAD dependent on uncertain premises The jungle tour guide tried to avoid precarious situations by sticking to the well-known path.

9 a retaliation for an injury
reprisal N BAD a retaliation for an injury The judicial system was created in order to prevent individuals from exacting reprisals whenever they are injured by others.

10 bordering on being indecent or improper
risqué A BAD bordering on being indecent or improper In Victorian England, it was considered risqué for a woman to show a bare ankle in public.

11 inappropriate or improper
unseemly A BAD inappropriate or improper Nguyen and Toni began an unseemly argument at the reception dinner.

12 deserving contempt or scorn
despicable A BAD deserving contempt or scorn The man was arrested for his despicable treatment of his cat.

13 not bringing about the desired result
ineffectual A BAD not bringing about the desired result My attempts at breaking the boulder with my small hammer were ineffectual.

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