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The Odyssey Final Project. Option #1 HALL OF HEROES: Museum dedicated to heroes who have shaped our country. Your group must nominate 10 people into the.

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1 The Odyssey Final Project

2 Option #1 HALL OF HEROES: Museum dedicated to heroes who have shaped our country. Your group must nominate 10 people into the 1 st class of inductees to the Hall of Heroes. Each nominee must have picture and an information sheet (this in not copied from the internet) Information sheet must include (but is not limited to): Name, where nominee is from, educational background, reason for nomination. You must also have AT LEAST 3 quotes about this person from other famous people AND three references. Your nominations will be presented to the class.

3 Option #2: Create a Mockumentary: A documentary is a film that provides factual accounts of situations with actual interviews. Your group will design and video tape an Mockumentary about the Odyssey. You will interview specific people and record their actual account of situations. EVERYONE in the group must be in the video.

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