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After the RAE: Continuing to manage research outputs Morag Watson Digital Library Development Manager University of Edinburgh.

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Presentation on theme: "After the RAE: Continuing to manage research outputs Morag Watson Digital Library Development Manager University of Edinburgh."— Presentation transcript:

1 After the RAE: Continuing to manage research outputs Morag Watson Digital Library Development Manager University of Edinburgh

2 RAE Repository RAE submission –Focussed on delivering for RAE 2007 –Library responsible for bibliographic information on research outputs –IS colleagues dealt with the ‘data warehouse’ that held the rest of the RAE data Library –Liaised with schools to identify existing records –Bulk loaded content as required –Data clean-up –Manual data entry –Data quality checking

3 Publications Repository ‘Copy of RAE repository’ –RAE specific details suppressed –All content copied to PR –Complete record of research outputs produced at Edinburgh ‘Closed’ repository –Management tool for University of Edinburgh Centrally supported Integrated with existing University systems –Part of research management system / process –Support the forthcoming REF


5 Access / Management Available to all staff –Deposit –Edit records / add keywords etc –Manage access to records Embargoes / waivers / publishing levels / copyright clearance / open access Managed at various levels –Departmental, School, College

6 Content Will accept all research outputs Facilitating deposit –Data entry –Bulk loading –Bibliographic management tools Item Records –Validated by library staff –Copyright Checking

7 Citations / Publications Lists Citations are stored in a standard format Groups of citations can be exported –Defined by user / departmental requirements Customise presentation Customise content Customise where available Supports relevant citation formats –Harvard etc. JavaScript / CSS to create RSS feeds





12 Public Access to Edinburgh Research Outputs Edinburgh Research Archive –Subset of content in Publications Repository –Open access –Copyright retained content Available for harvesting / cross-search etc –Google / Google Scholar –Intute –Subject Repositories


14 Reports / Statistics Publications Repository –Numbers of items deposited Academic, School, Research Group –Customisable reports Edinburgh Research Archive –Numbers of items downloaded Item, Academic, School, Research Group –Updates on when / how site is being harvested

15 Further Developments Adding more data –Schools –Academics –Harvesting Data Licensed Databases Subject / Domain Repositories Talking to Schools / Academics Local Search Versioning


17 Future Developments Preservation Links to Research Data –ECDF / Data Library –UKDA, ESDS –Store / Storelink Research Management

18 Contact Information Publications Repository Wiki Updates on development schedule Documentation Feedback E-mail us – –

19 After the RAE: Continuing to manage research outputs Morag Watson Digital Library Development Manager University of Edinburgh

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