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Significance of the Harlem Renaissance – Internet Activity Use the links on each slide to navigate to the desired web pages. Read each webpage and answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Significance of the Harlem Renaissance – Internet Activity Use the links on each slide to navigate to the desired web pages. Read each webpage and answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Significance of the Harlem Renaissance – Internet Activity Use the links on each slide to navigate to the desired web pages. Read each webpage and answer the questions associated with each slide (Hint: they go in order with the exception of question one on slide 1). After completing the questions for each slide, answer the Deeper Thinking questions in a paragraph each using your own words and thoughts on the subject. Click to begin

2 African American Timeline Click on the picture of author Zora Neale Hurston and use the website to answer the ‘Slide 1’ questions on your worksheet! Click here when done

3 Harlem Renaissance Click on the picture of hot spot The Cotton Club and use the website to answer the ‘Slide 2’ questions on your worksheet! Click here when done

4 Harlem Renaissance and Politics Click on the picture of a jazz club and use the website to answer the ‘Slide 3’ questions on your worksheet! When completed, answer the ‘Deeper Thinking’ questions on your worksheet – TO BE DISCUSSED WITH CLASS Click here when done

5 Harlem Renaissance Project Choose from one of the topics below to create a one page biography of a person or history of place key to the Harlem Renaissance using Microsoft Word. Email to teacher when complete. Each biography should contain information as to the influences in each person’s life and their contributions to the African American society. Zora Neale HurstonCab Calloway Count Basie Langston HughesDuke Ellington Louis Armstrong Marcus GarveyJosephine BakerBillie Holiday W.E.B. DuBoisBessie SmithAlain Locke Jacob LawrenceApollo TheaterCotton Club

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