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Study Hall: Sit in assigned seats, working on something quietly. Jan 21 (A day) Jan 22 (B day)

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Presentation on theme: "Study Hall: Sit in assigned seats, working on something quietly. Jan 21 (A day) Jan 22 (B day)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Hall: Sit in assigned seats, working on something quietly. Jan 21 (A day) Jan 22 (B day)

2 Warm up Without using your notes…. Draw a convection cell within the correct layer of the Earth’s interior using arrows to show how these currents move

3 Volunteers….

4 Homework Worksheet on Convection within the Earth We will go over the directions now! Due Jan 26 th (A day) or Jan 27 th (B day)

5 Reminders… We have a lab planned for next week “Snacking on Plate Tectonics” For us to have this lab, we need…. 4-5 boxes of graham crackers 2-3 boxes of fruit roll ups 5 cans of icing

6 Brochures Due today… Please make sure your name is on your brochure If you do not turn in your brochure, you will lose 5 points for each day it is late For instance, if you forgot it today, but turn it in tomorrow, then the most points you can earn is 95%.

7 Homework Plate boundary brochure These will be due no later than Jan 21 th (A day) and Jan 22 th (B day)!!!! This is a formal grade

8 Next Assessment… You will have your test on Plate Tectonics on Wednesday Jan 28 th (A day ) or Thursday, Jan 29 th (B day) After testing, we will begin our next unit on 6.E.2.3 Soil and the Rock Cycle

9 Study Jams video….from last class Watch and listen to the video and record the information when the video is periodically stopped Earthquake: Fault: Intensity: Seismologist: Seismometer: Richter Scale:

10 Write in notebook…. During earthquakes, energy is released as: -Primary waves -Secondary waves -Surface waves

11 Types of earthquake waves be+video+on+seismic+waves&FORM=VIRE1#v iew=detail&mid=3A3379DECB0F93037DF03A3 379DECB0F93037DF0 be+video+on+seismic+waves&FORM=VIRE1#v iew=detail&mid=3A3379DECB0F93037DF03A3 379DECB0F93037DF0

12 Write in notebook Primary (P) waves: Travel the fastest Travel through both solids and liquids

13 Write in notebook Secondary (S) waves: slower than P waves Only travel through solid regions

14 Write in notebook Surface waves: Travel the slowest; cause the most damage Felt along the ground (like waves in water)

15 P and S Waves Primary (P) waves: similar to sound waves (compression waves) Secondary (S) waves: similar to transverse waves

16 Transverse waves…..

17 Remember…. Parts of Waves: the number of waves that pass a given point in 1 second Frequency (speed of the wave) the height from the rest position to the bottom of the trough or from the rest position to the top of the crest Amplitude Distance from crest to crest or trough to trough Wavelength

18 Now onto Pangaea… How does this map compare with the world’s continents today?

19 Video on Alfred Wegener rao rao As you listen to the video, write down 3 important facts you hear Be prepared to share…

20 write in notebook Alfred Wegener: (1880-1930) Credited with the “Theory of Plate Tectonics” (Continental Drift) Pangaea : name of the Supercontinent (means "all lands“) “Theory of Plate Tectonics: Over time, the continents broke up and drifted apart

21 From Pangaea to Modern Continents dXPA dXPA Watch this animation of how scientist think the continents drifted or spread apart over millions of years

22 Evidence for Theory of Plate Tectonics write in notebook…. 1. Fit of the Continents 2. Fossil Evidence 3. Identical Rock and Soil Deposits

23 Write in notebook Evidence for Theory of Plate Tectonics 1. Fit of the Continents – Shape or outline of Eastern South America and Western Africa. – Appear to fit together like giant puzzle pieces

24 Write in notebook Evidence for Theory of Plate Tectonics 2. Fossil Evidence: – Identical fossils from plants and animals from same time periods found in South America and Africa and Europe and North America – These plants and animals could not have traveled across the vast oceans that currently exist.

25 Write in notebook Evidence for Theory of Plate Tectonics 3. Geological Rock and Soil Deposits – Identical rock types and geological features found in North America and Europe

26 Write in notebook Harry Hess: credited with “sea floor spreading” theory What type of plate boundary is this? DIVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARY

27 Video Mid ocean ridge explanation be+video+on+mid+ocean+ridge&FORM=VIRE1 #view=detail&mid=C2656D3B0AD311D0AB8A C2656D3B0AD311D0AB8A be+video+on+mid+ocean+ridge&FORM=VIRE1 #view=detail&mid=C2656D3B0AD311D0AB8A C2656D3B0AD311D0AB8A

28 Pangaea – The Super Continent Earth’s interior and plate tectonics L3fA L3fA Watch the video and write down 3 facts you hear from the video Be ready to share….

29 Pangaea – The Super Continent Pangaea – What Scientists think the Earth will look like 100 million years into the future VD4 VD4 Watch the video and write down 3 facts you see happen in the video Be ready to share….

30 Pangaea Puzzle Activity Can you figure out how the Earth looked over 200 million years ago?

31 Plate Tectonics….Your Turn….. You will either complete a Pangaea Puzzle activity or a flip booklet activity We will go over both now…..

32 Plate Tectonics Reading and Flip book In this activity, you will… 1.Read the article and write 5 facts you learned in your notebook independently 2. Create a flip booklet which illustrates how the continents have moved over the last 200 million years ago Glue, staple, or tape into your notebook and add the entry into your table of contents I will be checking for this in your notebook

33 Plate Tectonics Reading and Pangaea Puzzle In this activity, you will… 1.Read the article and write 5 facts you learned in your notebook independently 2.Complete the Pangaea Puzzle in your notebook by following the directions (we will go over these together as a class) Glue, staple, or tape into your notebook and add the entry into your table of contents I will be checking for this in your notebook

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