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Social Marketing and Advocacy. Public Health Approach Define the Problem Identify Risk Factors Find what Prevents the Problem Implement & Evaluate Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Marketing and Advocacy. Public Health Approach Define the Problem Identify Risk Factors Find what Prevents the Problem Implement & Evaluate Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Marketing and Advocacy

2 Public Health Approach Define the Problem Identify Risk Factors Find what Prevents the Problem Implement & Evaluate Programs Data, Community Background Conceptual Models Effective Strategies Planning, Action, Evaluation, Marketing, Advocacy Adapted From: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC

3 Social Marketing  Uses many of the tools of commercial marketing.  “Sells” behaviors that benefit both the individual and society.

4 The Classic “4 Ps” of Marketing Product Price Promotion Place

5 The three most important things in Social Marketing 1.the audience 2.the audience; and 3.the audience

6 Social Marketing Four Key Steps: 1.Understand Your Audience and Customers 2.Set Priorities 3.Assess Resources 4.Monitor and Evaluate

7 Understand Your Audiences and Customers How can we segment and get to know our audience? Physical Behavioral Demographics Attitudes and Beliefs

8 Set Priorities Based on Your Understanding of Your Audiences and Customers It is critical to develop your marketing program to access your targeted audience.

9 Assess Resources Conduct a thorough inventory: What you already have What you need What you will develop

10 Monitor and Evaluate M anage your program by continuously monitoring and altering your interventions as needed to reach your targeted audiences.

11 An Example of Marketing an Injury Program: Float Coat Promotion in Rural Alaska Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation

12 Comparison of Alaskan Drowning Rates Per 100,000 Population Source: State of Alaska, 1991

13 Sex of Native Drowning Victims YK Delta 1979-1989

14 Seasonal Drowning YK Delta 1979 - 1982 N = 185

15 Personal Flotation Device Use Alaska Commercial Fishing Incidents Involving at Least One Drowning, 1991 35 2 7 7 Source: National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

16 The Classic “Float Coat” Boring!

17 So What Should We Do? Build a Coalition Assess the Audience/Customers Make Marketing Plan

18 Marketing/Promotion Quality Product Customize for Culture Targeted Distribution Incentives Publicity Evaluation


20 Promotional Ideas Discount Coupons Raffles and Prizes Incentive Awards

21 3 Year Average Crude Death Rates YK Delta vs. All-Alaska (The Harvest) YK Starts PFD Program YK Delta All Alaskan 43% Reduction Per 100,000

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