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TEACHER EDUCATION FOR A QUALITY NATION Ester B. Ogena, Ph.D. President Philippine Normal University.

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Presentation on theme: "TEACHER EDUCATION FOR A QUALITY NATION Ester B. Ogena, Ph.D. President Philippine Normal University."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEACHER EDUCATION FOR A QUALITY NATION Ester B. Ogena, Ph.D. President Philippine Normal University

2 The quality and respect for a country depends of the quality of its people.


4 40-50 years ago: US $1.00 = PHP 2.00 Now: US $ 1.00 = PHP 42.00 30 years ago: PHP 1.00 = THB 1.00 PHP 1.00 = TWD 1.00 Now: PHP 1.34 = THB 1.00 PHP 1.41 = TWD 1.00

5 Challenges in Asia Mobility of students Capacity Building Movement of Capital and Investments Changes in quality and respect for nations, institutions and people

6 An educated and skilled population use knowledge effectively. Innovation System Facilitates the effective communication, processing, and dissemination of information Information Infrastructure Education EIR provides incentives for the efficient creation, dissemination, and use of existing knowledge Economic and Institutional Regime Source: World bank Institute. 2008 Knowledge Economy – 4 Pillars A system of organizations that can tag into global knowledge to assimilate and adapt it as well as create knowledge.

7 Philippines: Global Competitiveness Rankings 48 61 73 76 66 71 75 Source: Global Competitiveness Report, World Economic Forum (WEF) 71 87 85 75 65

8 Competitiveness Index in Comparison with Other Asia Pacific Countries, 2012-2013 RANK* 2 9 10 13 19 20 23 25 38 50 59 65 75 85 136 *Ranking based on 139 countries

9 Filipino Teachers Deployed by Country of Destination, 2003-2009 Source: Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) 2009 Overseas Employment Statistics

10 Distribution of Migrant Teachers by Occupation and Country of Destination, 1988 to 2001 Source: Commission on Filipino Overseas, in Labstat Updates, July 2003



13 Selected Tourism & Economic Indicators for ASEAN, 2011

14 Types of Jobs required (Ref:Levy and Murnane) Mean task input as percentiles of the 1960 task distribution Source: Andreas Schleicher (OECD, 2008)

15 TEDS-M Performance in Mathematics Content Knowledge by Country-Primary Level Source: Taiwan TEDS-M Report, 2010

16 TEDS-M Performance in Mathematics Content Knowledge by Country-Lower Secondary Level Source: Taiwan TEDS-M Report, 2010

17 TEDS-M Performance in Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge by Country-Lower Primary Level Source: Taiwan TEDS-M Report, 2010

18 TEDS-M Performance in Mathematics Pedagogical Content Knowledge by Country-Lower Secondary Level Source: Taiwan TEDS-M Report, 2010

19 Philippine Performance in TIMSS Field/Year199519992003 Science Grade 4 Grade 8 41 st (42)36 th (38) 23 rd (25) 42 nd (45) Mathematics Grade 4 Grade 8 40 th (42)36 th (38) 23 rd (25) 41 st (45) ( ) – Number of participating countries

20 Patent Applications for Selected Offices of Middle- & Low-Income Economies, 2010 Source: 2012 WIPO Intellectual Property Facts & Figures

21 Utility Model Applications for Selected Offices of Middle- & Low-Income Economies, 2010 Source: 2012 WIPO Intellectual Property Facts & Figures

22 Traditional vs Knowledge-Based Companies

23 Basic Education Graduate Post- Graduate Undergraduate Specialization Level Feeder System Level 2 TEACHERS Feeder System Level 1 Teacher Education is the foundation of the the country’s human resources

24 National Passing Rate, Licensure Exam for Teachers 2007-2012

25 Why is teacher education important? It is vital for improving teacher quality 1 It is crucial for student outcomes 1 It is invaluable in the production of quality human resource and manpower for national development 1 Musset, P. (2010), “Initial Teacher Education and Continuing Training Policies in a Comparative Perspective: Current Practices in OECD Countries and a Literature Review on Potential Effects”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 48, OECD Publishing.


27 The National Network of Normal Schools (3NS) Response to the challenge of teacher education: – Developing a foresight for future requirements of K-12 program – Catalyzing the development of teacher education by developing models and best practices – Providing a platform for discussing important issues in both teacher education and basic education

28 What we need to do PLANACT Strategize Monitor Foresight

29 K-10 PROGRAMK-12 PROGRAM BACHELORS PROGRAM BS/BA=4 Years Engg=5 years T.Ed.=4 Years BACHELORS PROGRAM BS/BA=3 Years Engg=4 years T.Ed.=3+1 Years Masters Degree: MA/MS Doctorate: PhD/EdD Masters and Doctorate: Practioner Degree Masters and Doctorate: Research Degree Academic Programs WHERE WE ARE NOW WHERE WE WANT TO GO

30 The Scholarship of Research The Scholarship of Teaching The Scholarship of Service

31 The Equation Quality Teacher Education Quality Nation Respect for People


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