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GCSE Media Studies. “In the modern world, media literacy will become as important a skill as Maths or Science.” Tessa Jowell, Former Secretary of State.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE Media Studies. “In the modern world, media literacy will become as important a skill as Maths or Science.” Tessa Jowell, Former Secretary of State."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE Media Studies

2 “In the modern world, media literacy will become as important a skill as Maths or Science.” Tessa Jowell, Former Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.

3 What is Media Studies? Media is the study of how and why adverts, television, magazines, film, newspapers etc communicate with audiences. We analyse how texts work and why they exist. We might look at texts such as Glamour magazine, The Mighty Boosh, Father Ted, music videos and a range of adverts and CD covers.

4 Why should I choose it? It improves your ICT skills It develops your analytical skills – this is helpful for English, History, Geography and many other subjects. It helps make you a confident and independent learner. It helps you see what advertisers and film makers are REALLY doing!

5 How is the course assessed? The honest answer is that at the moment we just don’t know, because all of the specifications are changing. We expect that there will be: A practical component (coursework or controlled assessment) where you make some media products, such as Magazines, CD covers etc.A practical component (coursework or controlled assessment) where you make some media products, such as Magazines, CD covers etc. An exam. This is pretty much guaranteed, but the good thing about Media Studies is that the texts are always interesting because, well, it’s Media Studies! Topics we have had in the past include magazines, sitcom, comics, quiz shows and genres of film.An exam. This is pretty much guaranteed, but the good thing about Media Studies is that the texts are always interesting because, well, it’s Media Studies! Topics we have had in the past include magazines, sitcom, comics, quiz shows and genres of film.

6 What will I make? In Year 9 you will make a range of different texts while learning how to use the computer programs. Your controlled assessments in Year 10 and 11 will probably require you to make items such as a DVD or CD cover, or several pages of a magazine, as well as doing research and writing an essay and evaluations. You may have the opportunity to try film making or animation. You are not expected to have all the ICT skills yet, and you don’t need a computer at home!

7 Yr 11 Magazine Controlled Assessment work

8 What sort of student should I be? Enthusiastic Hard working You must have a good eye for detail You must enjoy working on computers An artistic eye is useful but you do NOT have to be able to draw! Willing to learn new ICT skills You DO NOT need a computer at home.

9 Who is it suitable for? Media Studies can be a wonderful, creative counterpoint to what can seem like a heavy workload; it helps you to develop your academic and ICT skills. The textual analysis is directly related to parts of the English GCSE as well as to parts of other GCSE subjects, and the written work demands the same skills as those you will write in History or English. Many extended pathway students choose Media Studies to add a broad, interesting dimension to their GCSE options.

10 “I didn’t think my work could ever look this good!” Year 11 student “I didn’t know how related everything in the Media is. I look at magazines and CD covers a bit differently now!” Year 10 student

11 For more information see Miss Sapiano in U32 (up the steps past the milk bar), or collect a leaflet from her at the options evening.

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