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Determining the Role of Consumers in World Agriculture.

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1 Determining the Role of Consumers in World Agriculture

2 Next Generation/Common Core Standards Addressed! RST.11-12.8 Evaluate the hypotheses, data, analysis, and conclusions in a science or technical text, verifying the data when possible and corroborating or challenging conclusions with other sources of information. (HS-LS2-6),(HS-LS2-7),(HS-LS2-8) WHST.11-12.8 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation. (HS-LS1- 3)

3 Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Standards Addressed FPP.04.01. Examine the scope of the food industry by evaluating local and global policies, trends and customs for food production. –FPP.04.01.02.a. Examine the impact of consumer trends on food products and processing practices (e.g., health and nutrition, organic, information about food products, local food movements, farm-to-fork supply chains, food system transparency, etc.).

4 Bell Work! Identify the basic needs of humans. Explain the basic economic concepts of supply and demand. Describe factors that influence what people eat and use for clothing and shelter.

5 Terms Carbohydrate Climate Consumer Custom Demand Fiber Food

6 Terms Continued Law of demand Law of supply Nutrient Preference Protein Shelter Standard of living

7 Interest Approach What needs must be met in order to be comfortable? What needs must be met in order to survive? What determines how these needs are met?

8 What are the basic needs Humans basics needs include Food Shelter Clothing

9 Nutrients Substances necessary for life and growth Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.

10 Carbohydrates Starches and sugars the body turns into fuel.

11 Proteins are important in growth and repair.

12 Fats Fats provide energy for the body.

13 Vitamins Vitamins and minerals are needed for good health.

14 Water Water is needed to transport food substances in the body.

15 Synthetic Fibers Synthetic fibers are made in mills from various products, such as petroleum.

16 Natural Fibers. Natural fibers are those produced by plants and animals.

17 Shelter Shelter is housing for humans. Many of the products used in providing shelter are produced by forestry.

18 What are the basic economic concepts of supply and demand?

19 Supply Supply is the quantity of a product (or service) that sellers are willing to provide to the market at a given price.

20 What effect does price have? High prices –sellers are willing to provide larger quantities Lower prices –sellers are willing to provide smaller quantities of their products to the market.

21 The law of supply The law of supply dictates the amount of products supplied at given prices.

22 What economic factors can cause supply to increase or decrease. Changes in production systems Prices of related goods Number of sellers in the market

23 Changes in supply can have various effects on the price of a good. A decrease in supply increases the price.

24 Demand Quantity of a product buyers are willing to purchase from the market at a given price.

25 Low Prices When prices are low, buyers are willing to purchase greater quantities of a product.

26 High Prices Higher prices, buyers are willing to purchase fewer quantities of a product.

27 Law of Demand Dictates the amount of a product buyers are willing to purchase at a given price.

28 Economic Factors Cause demand to increase or decrease. Changes in personal income Prices of related goods Number of buyers in the market

29 Increase in Demand Increase in demand increases the price.

30 Decrease in Demand Decrease in demand decreases the price.

31 Preferences People make choices about food, fiber, and shelter. They have strong likes and dislikes, or preferences.

32 Review/Summary Identify the basic needs of humans. Explain the basic economic concepts of supply and demand. Describe factors that influence what people eat and use for clothing and shelter.

33 The end!

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