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Vocabular y Egyptian Gods Famous People Mesopota mia Catch All 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabular y Egyptian Gods Famous People Mesopota mia Catch All 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabular y Egyptian Gods Famous People Mesopota mia Catch All 10 20 30 40 50

2 Trade without using money. 1

3 What is barter? 1

4 Egyptian form of writing 2

5 What is hieroglyphics? 2

6 To bring water to a place where there is none. 3

7 What is irrigation? 3

8 Paper that Egyptians wrote on 4

9 What is papyrus? 4

10 Belief in many gods 5

11 What is polytheism? 5

12 6 “God” that would eat your heart if you had done bad deeds in your life.

13 Who is Ammit? 6

14 The chief or main god. 7

15 Who is Amon Ra? 7

16 God of the underworld. Was brought back to life by his wife/sister. 8

17 Who is Osiris? 8

18 Priests would wear a mask of this god while performing the embalming process. 9

19 Who is Anubis? 9

20 Son of Isis and Osiris. Pharaohs were buried with his protective “eye”. 10

21 Who is Horus? 10

22 Jean Francois Champollion translated the __________. 11

23 What is the Rosetta Stone? 11

24 This pharaoh was known for wearing a false beard. 12

25 Who was Hatshepsut? 12

26 This archaeologist discovered King Tut’s tomb. 13

27 Who is Howard Carter?

28 This is the first pharaoh of Egypt. 14

29 Who is Narmer (Menes)? 14

30 This Babyloian king created the first set of written laws…an eye for an eye… 15

31 Who was Hammurabi 15

32 What two rivers were important to Mesopotamians? 16

33 What are the Tigris and Euphrates? 16

34 This area lies between the Persian Gulf and Red Sea and is where farming could occur. 17

35 What is the Fertile Crescent? 17

36 The wheel and sailboat were invented by these people along with cuneiform. 18

37 Who were the Sumerians? 18

38 Who invented the alphabet that ours is based on today? 19

39 Who are the Phoenicians? 19

40 One of the 7 Wonders of the world, this was located in Babylon and was build by a king for his wife. 20

41 What are the Hanging Gardens? 20

42 Why is King Tut famous? 21

43 His tomb wasn’t robbed and had all of its gold? 21

44 What were the containers that held internal organs called? 22

45 What are canopic jars? 22

46 Limestone 23

47 What is the what the pyramids are made of? 23

48 Approximately how long is the Nile? 24

49 What is 3,000 miles? 24

50 What body of water does the Nile empty into? 25

51 What is the Mediterranean Sea? 25

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