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The Peloponnesian Wars

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Presentation on theme: "The Peloponnesian Wars"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Peloponnesian Wars

2 The Delian League- alliance of Greek city-states

3 Athens becomes rich Received $200 million in tribute money from each member of the Delian League.

4 Some city-states turn to Sparta
Athenians have a trade monopoly within Greece causing tension in the region.


6 Causes: Corcyra allied itself with Athens. Corcyra was a colony of Corinth, allied to Sparta. Athens violates the Thirty Years Treaty. Spark: Thebes, allied to Sparta, attacks Plataea, allied to Athens

7 Pericles Athenian ruler during the Peloponnesian War.
Relied on Athenian Navy Died of plague during the first phase of the war.

8 War begins in 431 B.C.

9 The Plague 430 B.C. A plague breaks out in Athens.
Many die, suffering from vomiting, painful sores, and harsh diarrhea.

10 Athens 1/3 wiped out. So many died that Athens did not have the manpower for its warships.

11 10 years of fighting later…
Athens and Sparta agree to a 50 Year Peace Treaty in 421 B.C.

12 Wars resumed anyway in 415 B.C.

13 Spartan Silver Sparta takes the silver mines formerly belonging to the Athenians. Mineworkers swear allegiance to Sparta.

14 404 B.C. Athens surrenders

15 The Golden Age of Athens
Is over and Athens would never become the dominant city-state it once was.

16 Task: Using your packets on the Peloponnesian War, answer the questions on the accompanying sheet.

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