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Adopt a Green Lifestyle!. What is a green lifestyle? A green lifestyle is an ecological way of life. Being an ecologist can simply become an attitude.

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Presentation on theme: "Adopt a Green Lifestyle!. What is a green lifestyle? A green lifestyle is an ecological way of life. Being an ecologist can simply become an attitude."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adopt a Green Lifestyle!

2 What is a green lifestyle? A green lifestyle is an ecological way of life. Being an ecologist can simply become an attitude. By keeping our environment cleaner, we are actually building a healthier environment for ourselves and future generations. And because living a green life can actually offer us a better quality of life on earth, we should all consider of going green.

3 What adopting a green lifestyle really means Adopting a green lifestyle doesn’t really mean what most of us think. In reality going green means changing completely not only the way you live, but also the way you think. Everyday life changes too, as some things we all do during the day will not be the same anymore after adopting that green lifestyle.

4 Ways to go green  For example a good way to start is by changing basic things you do everyday, like start using public transport instead of your car.  An also good way is to eat and shop green ready purchasing or growing your own fruit and vegetables.  Another interesting idea is reduce wasting water and other natural recourses  Switch your electrical appliances. Do not leave them on maintenance mode.

5 What are the benefits of going green? Because by adopting a green lifestyle we don’t just help the environmental pollution stop, but we also create a new way of life, which many people will follow in the future. Going green is quite convenient for everyone. After following the basic things and making some efforts it gets easier for everyone to follow the green lifestyle, because it has many obvious results in everyday life.

6 Created by Athina Papagiannopoulou Danai Markou Vasw Ziaka Fay Gerontiti Anna-Maria Vougiouka Spyros Kokkalas Spyros Demas

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