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Napoleon Bonaparte By Blake Dutton. Young Life Napoleon Bonaparte was introduced to the military lifestyle at a young age, when he was enrolled in Military.

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Presentation on theme: "Napoleon Bonaparte By Blake Dutton. Young Life Napoleon Bonaparte was introduced to the military lifestyle at a young age, when he was enrolled in Military."— Presentation transcript:

1 Napoleon Bonaparte By Blake Dutton

2 Young Life Napoleon Bonaparte was introduced to the military lifestyle at a young age, when he was enrolled in Military School

3 Early Years Napoleon rose through the ranks quickly since he was a dedicated learner and had a passion for military leadership He was promoted to Chief of the Army of the Interior, which was a highly regarded position.

4 Marriage After being promoted, Napoleon marries a wealthy woman named Josephine who came from a wealthy family After his promotion, he begins to gain public fame. His marriage to a notable woman is also part of this rise to fame.

5 Victories March 1796, Napoleon leads Italian forces against the armies of Austria. After the defeat of Austrian forces, Napoleons fame is firmly established. Napoleon Bonaparte continued to win fame and notability during various campaigns throughout Europe

6 Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned Emperor of the French Empire on May 18, 1804 He became King of Italy one year later, as his continued expanse grows.

7 Exile After years of victories, Napoleon suffers great defeats, most notably against the Russians after being trapped in the cold climate during winter. After his defeat, Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba to live out his days on May 4 1814

8 Return Napoleon returned to France one year later to establish control once again. He continues his advance against the other countries of Europe

9 The Battle of Waterloo Napoleon pushes against the British and Prussian forces at the battle of Waterloo. He is defeated brutally and once again loses the opinion of the French populace.

10 Exile and Death After his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon was once again exiled out of France, but this time he will not return. Napoleon eventually dies of stomach cancer while in exile. Napoleon is remembered today as a great hero of the French.

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