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JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT Using PowerPoint in Designing e-Learning Course.

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1 JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT Using PowerPoint in Designing e-Learning Course

2 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Using advanced features in PowerPoint for e-Learning course development (Morning Discussion) Converting paper notes and other resources to PowerPoint (Morning Discussion) Adding audio narration into PowerPoint (Morning Discussion) Creating a banner using PowerPoint (Afternoon Skills) Creating a e-Leaning template using PowerPoint (Afternoon Skills) Using advanced animations (trigger) to enhance student interaction (Afternoon Skills) Topics for Day 2

3 JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT Using advanced features in PowerPoint for e-Learning course development

4 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. At the end of this module, faculty participants will be able to state the usefulness of multimedia use in online courses; and be able to use advanced features in PowerPoint to enhance the interactivity of their presentation in order to improve students learning. Objective

5 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Multimedia in Learning: Cognitive Theory (part-A) PrincipleDefinition Multimedia Principle Students learn better from words and pictures than from words alone. Contiguity Principle Students learn better when corresponding printed words and graphics are placed close to one another on the screen or when spoken words and graphics are presented at the same time. Coherence Principle Students learn better when extraneous words, pictures, and sounds are excluded rather than included. Modality Principle Students learn better from animation and narration than from animation and on-screen text.

6 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Multimedia in Learning: Cognitive Theory (part-B) PrincipleDefinition Redundancy Principle Students learn better from animation and narration than from animation, narration, and on-screen text Personalization Principle Students learn better when words are presented in conversational style than in expository style. Interactivity Principle Students learn better when they can control the presentation rate of multimedia explanations. Signaling Principle Students learn better when signals are incorporated into the narration to highlight important ideas or concepts and how they are organized

7 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. The Learning / Remembering Factor People typically will remember: 10% of what they read 20% of what they hear 30% of what they see 50% of what they hear and see 70% of what they discuss with others 80% of what they experience personally 95% of what they teach others

8 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Using Advanced Features in PowerPoint to Help Leaners to Remember...

9 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Advanced features refers to: PowerPoint features that are not used in everyday presentations PowerPoint features that allow you to add contents and control your presentation ▫ Transitions ▫ Animations ▫ Navigation ▫ Screen casting ▫ Screen clipping ▫ Audio and video ▫ Add-Ins in PowerPoint

10 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Using Transitions in Your Presentation Provides learners with smooth change between topics/ideas by using transitions Transitions occur between your slides Choose your transitions wisely ▫ Avoid transitions that distract your audience Time your transitions ▫ Synchronize your transition to any audio you might be using

11 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Using Animations in Your Presentation Gives instructors as well as learners control of their learning by using animations Animations occur inside your slides ▫ It is the relationship between the individual objects on a slide Animate your objects wisely ▫ Avoid animations that distract from your content ▫ Prioritize the order your objects appear on the screen

12 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Navigation menu (hyper-linking in PowerPoint) Creating a menu for your presentation ▫ Define a content based outline Creating hyperlinks to external resources ▫ Websites ▫ Documents ▫ Other presentations

13 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Specialty media (discussion) What kind of media (images, videos, animations, diagrams, etc.,) do you use to illustrate difficult concepts to your learners? How can you get these media into your online PowerPoint lesson? What tools are available for your use? Are these online, in printed materials or other digital format?

14 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Adding other media into PowerPoint to enhance your lesson Screen clipping Screen clipping ▫ Taking a snap shop of your screen and including the image in PowerPoint Audio and video Audio and video ▫ Adding audio native to PowerPoint (narration) ▫ Inserting an online video into PowerPoint ▫ Attaching an audio or video file ▫ Adding video/audio using PowerPoint add-ins (i.e. Adobe Presenter)

15 JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT Converting Lecture Notes to PowerPoint

16 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Objective At the end of this module, faculty participants will demonstrate knowledge of converting Face- to-Face lectures into PowerPoint by converting one of their lectures to a PowerPoint presentation for on-line delivery.

17 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved.

18 What is an online Course Percentage of Course Content Delivered Online Course CategoryTypical Description 0%TraditionalA course in which the entire content delivery is made face to face with no WEB presence. 1 to 29%Web FacilitatedCourse uses online presence as a repository of some contents such as lectures and assignments. 30 to 79%Blended/HybridA significant amount of course content is delivered online, in this case, there may be a few face to face meetings. 80+%OnlineThis is course in which majority or all of the instruction is delivered online.

19 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Decide on the Type of online Course you are designing Traditional Web Facilitated Blended/Hybrid Online

20 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Some things to Consider (preparing self) Love to use computer based technology Revisit your view about the role of students in learning – constructivist theory. Create/join a community of colleagues who engage on online teaching Learn to be patient with the technology Be inquisitive about what emerging techniques

21 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Content Conversion What knowledge do you want to convey? What are the major sections for this course/lesson? How can you best break thoughts into manageable segments to improve students learning and comprehension? ▫ For each segment, identify subsections

22 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Content Conversion (continued) What illustrations are there that can improve learning? What physical media do you currently use in you to illustrate your points? ▫ Can you digitize these media? ▫ Can you find similar media online? Do you currently use simulations in this lesson/course? ▫ Can this simulation be replicated on computer screen? ▫ If these simulations cannot be replicated, how do you plan to include them as part of the online teaching?

23 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Determine the Length of the Lesson Make a determination as to how long you want each of the online lessons to last Break the lesson into multiple modules if it appears to be too long ▫ Individuals modules should be about 7 minutes long ▫ The maximum recommended length of a module is 15 minutes (but make sure the contents are interested and that you have built a lot of interactivity ▫ If you lesson is longer than the recommended 7 minutes, you may consider splitting it into multiple parts The key here is to try an keep the learners’ full attention and interest

24 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Determine what media you will need for the Lesson Decide what media (images, video, audio, etc.) you will need for the lesson Find our where those resources are ▫ Are they on printed form?  How would you convert them to digital format?  Are resources available to you for such conversion? ▫ Are the resources online?  Does the owner require you get permission before using the resources?  Will students have easy access to the materials? Are there media resources that you will need to develop yourself?

25 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Determine a way to check for learning Decide if you want to include quizzes and tests Determine if you want the quizzes and tests tracked and reported ▫ Using Blackboard ▫ Using Adobe Connect server Decide whether results from Quizzes and tests will be used as part of the students’ grades Decide if learners have to score a certain percentage on the quiz before moving on to the rest of the presentation

26 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Determine a way to check for learning Decide if you want to include quizzes and tests Determine if you want the quizzes and tests tracked and reported ▫ Using Blackboard ▫ Using Adobe Connect server Decide whether results from Quizzes and tests will be used as part of the students’ grades Decide if learners have to score a certain percentage on the quiz before moving on to the rest of the presentation

27 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Course Conversion to PowerPoint: Worksheet The included Course Conversion Worksheet is designed to help you outline the contents of the course/lesson that you are converting from printed format to a PowerPoint presentation. Link to content conversion exercise Worksheet

28 JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT Adding Audio Narration into PowerPoint Presentation

29 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Objective You will be able to discuss the purpose and demonstrate, how to use audio narration in a PowerPoint presentation

30 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Why Use Audio? A Typical PowerPoint Show TEXTGRAPHICS PLUS AUDIO VIDEO

31 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Why Use Audio Narration? Helps the instructor provide context Provide materials for diverse learning Adding audio to your PowerPoint slides allows your students to have a more enhanced experience in your absence ▫ gives your students not only a visual way to learn but auditory as well

32 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Writing a script Think visually – think about how to best maintain your learners interest Consider your students and their learning Styles as you write your script Use your day to day language – the way you speak

33 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Writing a script ( continued ) Your speech should sound conversational Use contractions if you to make your speech natural Use sentence fragments is allowed as long as the meaning is clear Be concise (its all about time)

34 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Three Parts of Audio Narration Script Introduction ▫ A general introduction to your lesson Main body ▫ Discussion notes for each slide Summarize ▫ Concluding notes

35 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Introduction Three Parts of Audio Narration Script: Introduction Clearly introduce your lesson State what will be covered in the lesson State what learning you expect to take place If there are any procedural steps, clearly indicate what they are If there are expectation of learners demonstrating mastery of the content (i.e. quiz) clearly indicate that

36 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Main body Three Parts of Audio Narration Script: Main body Write the text that you would narrate for each slide Be concise in what you write Keep the text within the plausible time for that slide Do not include text about topics to be covered later, unless it is only making a point of reference Make sure the text matches what id on the slide in the same order

37 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Summarize Three Parts of Audio Narration Script: Summarize Thank your learners for listening/watching the show Rehearse, is a summary format what was covered Remind them of what the learning expectation was Make a connection statement between what was covered and the following lesson Bid them farewell Link to Audio Script exercise Worksheet

38 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Adding Audio: Two Primary Methods Direct (live) Narration while designing the presentation Pre-recorded audio

39 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Narration Adding Audio: Two Primary Methods: Narration Narration is when you record your voice directly into the PowerPoint over each slide This method requires a lot of practice before getting started, because when you make a mistake, most often then not you may have to do over Having a good script is highly recommended Synchronizing audio with content is done on the fly Preferred recording device is an over the head microphone

40 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Pre-recorded Audio Adding Audio: Two Primary Methods: Pre-recorded Audio This method requires that the audio be recorded and edited in a separate software before bringing it into PowerPoint Knowledge of an audio recording/editing software requires (a good option for this is Audacity) Each slide must have its own audio file Synchronizing the audio and the PowerPoint can be a daunting task Tend to get better audio quality A professional level desktop microphone is highly recommended for this method

41 JUBAIL COLLEGES & INSTITUTES SECTOR Copyright© 2015 JCIS All Rights Reserved. JCIS E LEARNING D EVELOPMENT PowerPoint in Action: Designing course module parts with PowerPoint

42 Copyright© 2015. Jubail Colleges & Institutes Sector of Saudi Arabia. All Rights Reserved. Create a banner using PowerPoint Create an e-Leaning presentation template using PowerPoint How to use advanced animations (trigger) to enhance student interaction This Afternoon when we return, using PowerPoint we will learn to: Use the How To files in: JCIS e-Learning Training Job Aids.exe

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