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Published byJocelin Bryan Modified over 9 years ago
Kada je nešto u okolišu opasno ?
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ONEČIŠČENJE ZAGAĐENJE - unos stranih tvari u okoliš i prirodu koje se mijenjaju sporo ili se uopće ne mijenjaju, te ne utjeću direktno na kemijske procese. - unos stranih tvari u okoliš i prirodu koje direktno utjeću na kemijske procese.
OPASNOST RIZIK - potencijal određene tvari da uzrokuje neželjenu pojavu - mogućnost ili vjerojatnost da nastupi određena neželjena pojava
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BIORASPOLOŽIVOST tj. sposobnost tvari da dospiju u organizme. OPASNOST od neke tvari je proporcionalna s njezinom bioraspoloživosti.
Bioraspoložive tvari se izuzetno brzo biakumuliraju i biomagnificiraju.
BIOKONCENTRACIJA BIOMAGNIFIKACIJA - akumuliranje tvari u organizmu - povećanje koncentracije tvari u organizmima kroz hranidbeni lanac
U okolišu i prirodu najopasnije tvari (ujedno i tvari koje predstavljaju najveći rizik) su one koje su po vlastitoj prirodi ili koje tijekom reakcija s drugim tvarima postaju BIORASPOLOŽIVE. Najopasnije tvari karakteriziraju, pored dobre bioraspoloživosti, svojstvo BIOKONCENTRACIJE i BIOMAGNIFIKACIJE.
Biomarkers are are physiological or biochemicals measures, such as blood holinesterase concentration, that may be indicative of exposure to contaminants. Environmental Restoration Risk Assessment Program, Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc. Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 In general, biomarkers are observable properties of an organism that can be used in a number of ways: 1) to estimate the organism’s prior exposure to exogenous chemicals, metabolite(s) or the products of interaction between a chemical and target cells that are measured within an organism; 2) to identify changes or effects occurring in the organism- measurable alterations of an organism that, depending on the magnitude, can indicate a potential or known health impairment or disease; and, 3) to assess the underlying susceptibility of an organismindicators of inherent or acquired properties of an organism that may lead to an increase in the internal dose of a chemical or an increased level of response from exposure. US Environmental Protection Agency Biomarkers are sensitive molecular, cellular, or organismal indicators of changes in environmental conditions or organism health. Stratus Consulting Inc. Environment and Energy Research Biomarkers are measurable biological parameters which change in response to xenobiotic exposure and other environmental or physiological stressors, and can be indices of toxicant exposure or effects. U.S. Department of Agriculture Biomarkers are defined as indicators of variation in cellular or biochemical components or processes, and in structure or function in biological systems or samples. H. V. MORLEY, London Research Center, Agriculture Canada, Ontario, Canada Biomarkers are a broadly classified group of methodologies, which include physiologic, metabolic, genotoxic, immunologic, and other approaches to assessing toxicological effects on organisms. CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD Biomarkeri su mjerljive promjene parametara bioloških sustava Biomarkeri su mjerljive promjene parametara bioloških sustava
Biomonitoring is the term scientists use to describe the use of plants, animals, or entire ecosystems to tell if our environment is polluted. Biomonitoring has been used by biologists and scientists to give us information about our surroundings for a long time. EPA, Environmental Education In the operational context, the term aquatic biomonitoring is used to refer to the gathering of biological data in both the laboratory and the field for the purposes of making some sort of assessment, or in determining whether regulatory standards and criteria are being met in aquatic ecosystems. Hohls, D.R. 1996. Biomonitoring is a testing procedure that measures effluent toxicity and provides an estimate of the effects of effluents in stream environments. In conjunction with chemical testing, it provides a cost- effective method of evaluating discharge performance. Analytical Laboratory Services Inc. Biomonitoring:biomonitoring is studying organisms in their environment to tell what characteristics the environment has, for example, water quality. Biomarkers are defined as indicators of variation in cellular or biochemical components or processes, and in structure or function in biological systems or samples. H. V. MORLEY, London Research Center, Agriculture Canada, Ontario, Canada Biomonitoring is a process whereby responses to chemical contaminants are quantified in situ at the cellular, physiological, and ecological levels to characterize health risks to resident organisms. US EPA Biomonitoring je praćenje stanja sustava pomoću biomarkera Biomonitoring je praćenje stanja sustava pomoću biomarkera Biomonitoring is a general term which refers to the use of living organisms to detect changes in an effluent or waterbody and can be used to indicate whether aquatic life may be endangered. Ohio EPA conducts two types of biomonitoring: biological surveys (typically a field test) and effluent toxicity tests (typically a lab test). Ohio EPA Biomonitoring is a method by which scientists study the natural systems to determine their ecological health. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGMENT, OFFICE OF WATER RESOURCES Biomonitoring is the gathering of biological information in both the laboratory and the field for the purpose of making an assessment or decision or in determining whether water quality objectives have been met. US National Eutrophication Monitoring Programme
Biomonitoring voda je praćenje stanja akvatičkih sustava pomoću mjerljivih parametara pripadajućih bioloških podsustava (biomarkera). Populacijski biomarkeri - bogatstvo vrsta - kvalitativni sastav biocenoza - omjeri subpopulacijskih kategorija - abundanca i rasprostranjenost Organizmički biomarkeri - biometrijski parametri - anatomske promjene/status - histološke promjene/status - citološke promjene/status Molekularni biomarkeri - inhibicija/indukcija enzima - promjene na DNA/RNA - inhibicija/indukcija MXR - indukcija metalotionenina - ekspresija vitelogeninskog gena
Promjena vjerojatnosti reparacije sustava u odnosu s vremenom detekcije promjene Molekularni biomarkeri Organizmički biomarkeri Populacijski biomarkeri BIOMARKERI RANOG UČINKA
CYP sustav (EROD, BaPMO) - PAH, xCDD, xCDF, PCB MT - kadmij AChE - organofosfati, karbamati, kadmij, detergenti PK, CS, ATA, GSH, GSHA - oksidativni stres, metabolička aktivnost, trajanje ekspozicije DNA-adukti, Ames-test - mutageni potencijal, genotoksičnost komet-test, mikronukleus-test - mutageni potencijal, genotoksičnost
šaran, Cyprinus carpio patuljasti somić, Ictalurus nebulosus babuška, Carassius auratus gibelio
raznolika trokutnjača, Dreissena polymorpha bezupka, Anodonta cygnea
trlja blatarica, Mullus barbatus zlatouhi cipal, Liza aurata
velika dagnja, Mytilus edulis
Redoviti kemijski monitoring ukupne koncentracije PAH
Kumulativno svojstvo indukcije EROD kao biomarker izloženosti PAH
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ZAKLJUČCI - Veličinu opasnosti i rizika od pojedinih tvari u prirodi i okolišu NE KARAKTERIZIRA SAMO njihova koncentracija već ih karakterizira njihova BIORASPOLOŽIVOST. - Do sada najpouzdaniji način određivanja opasnosti i rizika od pojedinih tvari u okolišu i prirodi je transpolacija i interpretacija rezultata BIOMONITORINGA u sprezi s klasičnim oblicima monitoringa. - BIOMONITORING temeljen na BIOMARKERIMA pouzdano potvrđuje ili opovrgava, te kvantificira opasnost i rizik specifično za svaki okoliš. - BIOMARKERI nižih razina bioloških sustava odlikuju se brzinom detekcije promjena ali malom prognostičkom mogućnosti, dok se BIOMARKERI viših razina bioloških sustava odlikuju zakašnjelom detekcijom ali velikim prognostičkim potencijalom.
Hvala na pozornosti !
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