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U.S. Involvement in Vietnam

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1 U.S. Involvement in Vietnam 1945-1968

2 Post World War II After Japan surrenders, France regains control of Vietnam -Bao Dai is leader Vietminh forms in North to get rid of France (Hanoi is capital) -Ho Chi Minh is leader (communist) South Vietnam is formed in 1949 -Saigon is capital

3 Partition of Vietnam 1954- France surrenders to Vietminh
1954- Geneva Accords: - Vietnam is split at the 17th parallel - North and South Vietnam are officially created

4 U.S. Intervention 1. U.S. is concerned with the “Domino Theory” in Southeast Asia 2. U.S. supports South Vietnam (anti- communist) -Ngo Dinh Diem is S.V. president 3. Diem government is not popular in S.V. 4. Vietcong forms in S.V.- supporters of Vietminh

5 Escalation of Vietnam War
1963- President Kennedy orders U.S. advisors and 9,000 troops to support S.V. military 1963- Diem and Kennedy are assassinated Gulf of Tonkin incident

6 Undeclared War Begins 1964- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution- Congress gives President Johnson almost unlimited war making powers 2. Operation Rolling Thunder-U.S. bombing of N.V. President Johnson orders troops to Vietnam 4. By the end of 1968 over 500,000 American troops in Vietnam

7 President Johnson and Troop Escalation

8 Operation Rolling Thunder

9 Tet Offensive 1968- Vietcong attacks over 100 US. Controlled areas
Military victory for U.S. despite high casualties Psychological and moral defeat for U.S. 4. Credibility Gap- American public does not believe what its political and military leaders say

10 The Big Three 1. General William Westmoreland
2. Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara 3. President Lyndon Johnson 4. The decisions of the Big Three from led to increased U.S. involvement in Vietnam

11 All Three Would Resign From Their Respective Positions in 1968 Amid Controversy Over the Vietnam War

12 Tet Offensive 1968

13 Role of the Media Vietnam War was first televised war
2. Reporters had unlimited access in Vietnam Images on nightly news shocked Americans 4. What people saw on t.v. contradicted what govt. and military said


15 President Johnson Stuns the Nation

16 What Title Would You Give This Picture?


18 Democratic National Convention 1968
Chicago, Illinois Vietnam War was biggest issue: some Democrats wanted to end the war and some wanted to continue the war 1000s of anti-war protesters on streets of Chicago- mostly young, peaceful and Democrats 4. Hubert H. Humphrey is nominated (VP of Johnson)

19 Your Choices for 1968: Nixon (R), Humphrey (D), Wallace (AI)



22 Electoral College Vote Nixon 301, Humphrey 191, Wallace 46

23 Nixon Wins- What Does It Mean For the Vietnam War?

24 Anti-War Protests Led by younger generation
2. Generation Gap- younger and older generations had different views on war 3. Counterculture (Hippie Movement) was an outgrowth of Baby Boom Generation (born between ) 4. Marches and protests were methods used

25 Generation Gap


27 Baby Boomers

28 Woodstock Festival 1969

29 How Will the Vietnam War Play Out in the 1970s? Stay Tuned

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