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Jarred Alexander Young September 18, 2013.  Beam Analysis  Performed scans with RPA perpendicular to beam to look at possible CEX behavior  Material.

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Presentation on theme: "Jarred Alexander Young September 18, 2013.  Beam Analysis  Performed scans with RPA perpendicular to beam to look at possible CEX behavior  Material."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jarred Alexander Young September 18, 2013

2  Beam Analysis  Performed scans with RPA perpendicular to beam to look at possible CEX behavior  Material Experiments  Completed second round of experiments with Aluminum samples

3  Beam Data from recent experiments shows that CEX energy distribution peak increases in energy and probability with axial distance  Tests performed with a background pressure ~3-5E-4 torr

4  Most papers indicate that CEX energy levels are heavily influenced by facility environment  High background pressures lead to higher densities of CEX ions  Papers indicate that CEX environment found in lab testing is usually not indicative of space conditions  Electron temperature plays a great part in CEX ion energy distribution  Higher Te leads to higher CEX energy peaks  Paper: Far Field Modeling of the Plasma Plume of a Hall Thruster, Boyd and Dressler, 2002

5  Possible plan of attack: analyze electron temperature of ion beam  Set up and use an array of langmuir probes to gather plasma characteristics of the beam and facility environment for clues to CEX energy trends  Previous data sent to Burak for implementation to simulation

6 Sample 1, 150 eVSample 2, 150 eVSample 3, 150 eV Sample 4, 150 eVSample 5, 150 eVSample 6, 150 eV

7 Sample 1, 150 eVSample 2, 150 eVSample 3, 150 eV Sample 4, 150 eVSample 5, 150 eVSample 6, 150 eV



10  Heavier elements in SEM show up as bright-colored  Spots are made up of lighter elements  Concentrated amounts of Mg, Si, C, and O appear in majority of “dark” areas


12  All samples show signs of all major elements represented in Al 6061-T4  Copper retroactively found in samples scanned last week  Two samples showed traces of Rhodium in small amounts (which may also be in Al 6061-T4)  Samples appear polished and no sign of material removal

13  Different types of ion impingement  Backstreaming ions  low energy ▪ Interested in sheath potentials of spacecraft in LEO- GEO  High energy ion plume (> 300 eV) ▪ Find suitable power supply solution  Expanding tests to other materials  Looking into solar cell cover glass  Mylar

14  Work on electron temperature gathering for PSU group  Data will be included into plasma simulation  Work on next phase of material testing  Develop power supply solution for high energy beam testing  Determine energies for low energy testing

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