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Today, we’re going to determine ◦ for each participant, the strength of relationship between orientation and RT (using a correlation coefficient) ◦ whether.

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Presentation on theme: "Today, we’re going to determine ◦ for each participant, the strength of relationship between orientation and RT (using a correlation coefficient) ◦ whether."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today, we’re going to determine ◦ for each participant, the strength of relationship between orientation and RT (using a correlation coefficient) ◦ whether this is significantly greater than zero on average across subjects (using a one-sample t-test) Before we start the analysis: ◦ Drag a copy of the data file (not the whole data folder) to the network drive as usual ◦ Create a new copy of the data file for yourself, so that your analysis doesn’t change the original file

2 In excel we need to: ◦ get rid of the trials for the reversed stimuli (they might differ from trials with the ‘normal’ stimuli) ◦ filter out incorrect trials ◦ take the average RT for the 4 remaining trials for each orientation (2 trials with ‘G’, 2 trials with ‘R’) ◦ correlate this average RT with the orientation of the stimulus

3 Select the spreadsheet rows for stimulus revG.png Right click on them and select delete ◦ note that hitting the delete key on the keyboard doesn’t work (that just empties the cells without getting rid of them) Do the same for revR.png

4 To filter out incorrect responses, we need to filter the resp.rt_raw (cols M and N) based on resp.corr_raw (cols G and H) In cell R2, create a filter by typing: =IF(G2=1,M2,"") Auto-fill this downwards, to fill the rest of the R column (the 1 st repeat of each stimulus) Then auto-fill this to the right, which will create a similar column for the 2 nd repeat of each stimulus

5 To make things easier, copy over the orientation column(col B) to column Q Select and drag the filtered data (cols R,S) from ‘R.png’ trials to sit next to the right of the ‘G’ trials Label the columns from R to U so you remember what they are (e.g. G1, G2, R1, R2 for the 1 st 2 nd trials of ‘R’ and ‘G’)

6 Create a new column heading, meanRT in Column V In this, create the average of the previous 4 columns ◦ where the value is blank (because of an incorrect response) this won’t be included in the average

7 (You could copy your two columns to SPSS and do the following there if you prefer) Create an XY scatter plot of the two variables: ◦ Select the rotation and meanRT columns (select one, press and hold Ctrl, then select the other) ◦ Insert chart, X-Y scatter (for fun, Microsoft moves this to a different location in every version of Excel – you’ll just have to search!) Excel can do very basic stats, such as correlation coefficients: ◦ In a new cell type =correl(Q2:Q20,V2:V20) or go to >insert>function (if you can find it!)

8 As usual, you will need various details about the experiment, which you can fetch from PsychoPy e.g.: ◦ How long was each component presented (e.g. fixation cross) on? ◦ How many/what stimulus conditions? ◦ … Spend some time now fetching those details

9 If, on average, there is no (straight line) relationship between orientation and RT, then on average r will be 0 To test if r is, on average, different from 0 we can perform a one-sample t-test comparing r with 0 You will also need information about the number of subjects and mean age etc.

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