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Health eDecisions (HeD) All Hands Meeting August 8th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Health eDecisions (HeD) All Hands Meeting August 8th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health eDecisions (HeD) All Hands Meeting August 8th, 2013

2 Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking, please keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold. If you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call Hold = Elevator Music = frustrated speakers and participants This meeting is being recorded Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments and items you would like the moderator or other participants to know. Send comments to All Panelists so they can be addressed publically in the chat, or discussed in the meeting (as appropriate). From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute All Panelists

3 Agenda TopicTime Allotted Announcements15 minutes Work Stream 1 Update: HL7 Meeting Update 5 minutes Work Stream 2 Update: Pilots5 minutes Work Stream 3: Use Case 2 IG discussion 55 minutes Wrap up/Questions10 minutes

4 Announcements Changes to UC 2 Ballot plans based on conversations with HL7 –May publish without reballoting Pilots has officially concluded Our AMIA panel was accepted for the November meeting –November 16 th -20 th in Washington DC –Panel will be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2013

5 Weekly Meeting Schedule MondayVocabulary and Terminology12-1:00 ET TuesdayCDS-HeD Working Meeting3:00-4:00 ET TuesdayVocabulary and Terminology4:00-5:00 ET WednesdayStandards Sub work Group Call1:00-2:00 ET ThursdayAll Community Call11:00-12:30 ET

6 HL7 Update We will need to reballot UC 1 based on recent HL7 updates – this will happen sometime in September We have completed a working final Draft of the IG – it is being circulated to the support team once we are finished we will put it out on the wiki for comment and review The Vocabulary and Terminology work for UC 1 will now be rolled into a “Master HeD” terminology spreadsheet that will include Data Elements and mappings for all of UC 1 and 2

7 HeD Pilots Update – WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All pilot meetings for UC 1 are complete We will no longer be conducting UC 1 Pilot meetings on Mondays To review the work we have done please see the pilots wiki pages as well as the Virtual Open House materials on the HeD Wiki Homepage:

8 Use Case 2

9 SDS & Harmonization HeD Timeline Overview HeD UC2 vMR Mapping Template Update Ballot Work Products Update 9

10 10 ITS & Templates WG Ballot Preparations Schedule TSC WG’s 8/5-8/6 Aug ‘1Sep 1 Today (8/08) HL7 Final Submission Deadline (Aug 30) HeD Use Case 2 Timeline Legend: Not Started; In progress; Ready IG’s and Updates HeD Community Review 5 of 6 (8/12) (8/19) (8/26) Hold Meetings with ITS and Templates WG 8/7-8/14 Incorporate feedback from WGs and finalize for HeD Community review 8/15-8/28 Prepare new IGs and vMR updates for external review 8/5-8/6 Send IGs out for HeD Community Review 8/19-8/23 Facilitated Review with HeD Community 8/19-8/23 *8/22 All Hands Incorporate feedback from HeD Community 8/26-8/28 Prepare packages for submission; send to Ken to finalize and submit 8/28-8/29

11 Key Milestone Dates for September Ballot Content Deadlines: HeD Consensus Review Period: August 19 – August 23 HL7 Final Content Deadline: August 30 HL7 Examples Deadline: September ? Ballot Voting deadline to HL7 on October 3? 11

12 SDS & Harmonization HeD Timeline Overview HeD UC2 vMR Mapping Template Update Ballot Work Products Update 12

13 HeD UC2 vMR Mapping 13 WorkstreamOwner & Resources Current StatusUpdate & Next Steps Proposed Templates Dave Shields and HeD Community Contains 134 Templates, of which 58 have been identified as high and medium priority and will be balloted All high priority templates have been reviewed Need to review Medium templates Have exported the google doc to Excel containing high priority templates, and cleaned up and prepared for TSC review Update Next Steps: Review Medium templates Incorporate feedback from Templates WG

14 HeD UC2 vMR Templates Harmonization 14 High and Medium Priority Proposed Templates StatusTotal 0. Not Started0 1. Drafted2 2. Initial Review In Process3 3. Ready for Standards SWG Review4 4. Complete49 Grand Total58 Definition of “Status” Types: 0. Not Started – Template has been created, but is blank 1. Drafted – populated with content and ready for assigned team to begin work 2. Initial Review in Process – work is being done by the assigned team 3. Ready for Standards SWG Review – assigned team has completed work and requests entire SWG review for any feedback 4. Complete – ready for incorporation into the vMR IG Priority: Represents the suggested order for harmonizing the vMR Templates PriorityTotal High50 Medium8 Low74 Deferred1 Grand Total133 14

15 SDS & Harmonization HeD Timeline Overview HeD UC2 vMR Mapping Template Update Ballot Work Products Update 15

16 Work Product Product Readiness OwnerCurrent StatusUpdate & Next Steps Updated vMR DAM – Universal Realm Development: Claude Nanjo, & Dave Shields Packaging for HL7: Claude Nanjo & Dave Shields Release 2 publish Has been sent out for TSC review Need to determine if we are going to request publication Preparing HL7 request for publication forms Update Next Steps: Incorporate feedback from TSC Release 3 ballot (off-cycle) Has been sent out for TSC review Scope will be determined once TSC review is complete TSC is determining resources and meetings for review NIB has been submitted for off cycle ballot Update Next Steps: Incorporate feedback from TSC Updated vMR XML IG – US Realm Development: Claude Nanjo, & Dave Shields Packaging for HL7: Claude Nanjo & Dave Shields Release 1 publish Has been sent out for TSC review Need to determine if we are going to request publication Preparing HL7 request for publication forms Update Follow up with Ken Next Steps: Incorporate feedback from TSC Release 2 ballot (off-cycle) Has been sent out for TSC review Scope will be determined once TSC review is complete TSC is determining resources and meetings for review NIB has been submitted for off cycle ballot Update Next Steps: Incorporate feedback from TSC Ballot Work Products Update Legend: Not Started; In progress; Ready

17 Work Product Product Readiness OwnerCurrent StatusUpdate & Next Steps Updated CDS Knowledge Artifact IG - US Realm Development: Aziz Boxwala Packaging for HL7: Aziz Boxwala Release 1 publish Has been sent out for TSC review Need to determine if we are going to request publication Include changes due to recently identified issues with vMR within R1, no errata? Include changes due to recently identified issues with vMR within R1 as errata? Update Next Steps: Incorporate feedback from TSC Update Next Steps: Incorporate feedback from TSC Release 2 ballot (off-cycle) Has been sent out for TSC review NIB has been submitted for off cycle ballot Scope will be determined once TSC review is complete Preference is to not ballot Re-ballot the changes due to recently identified issues with vMR as R2? DSS IG– US Realm Development: Bryn Rhodes Packaging for HL7: HeD Support Team Release 1 ballot (off-cycle) Has been sent out for TSC review NIB has been submitted for off cycle ballot Update Next Steps: Incorporate feedback from TSC vMR Templates IG – US Realm Development: Ken Kawamoto Packaging for HL7: HeD Support Team Release 1 ballot (off-cycle) Has been sent out for TSC review NIB has been submitted for off cycle ballot Update Next Steps: Incorporate feedback from TSC Ballot Work Products Update Legend: Not Started; In progress; Ready

18 Questions?

19 Contact Information For questions, please contact your support leads –Coordinator: Ken Kawamoto: –Co-Coordinators: Aziz Boxwala: Bryn Rhodes: –ONC Leadership: Alicia Morton: –Project Management: Jamie Parker: –Use Case 2: Dave Shevlin: Virginia Rhiel: –Harmonization: Lynette Elliot: Anna Langhans:

20 Useful Links Wiki – Use Case 1& 2 – –UC 2: Use Case 2: +CDS+Guidance+Service +CDS+Guidance+Service Pilots – HL7 Ballot Submission: – #Ballot #Ballot UC 1 Harmonization and IG: – Standards+%28Implementation%29 Standards+%28Implementation%29 HeD Glossary –

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