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DO NOW: What was happening in the 15 th -17 th centuries in Europe? (1400s-1600s) What do you think the word absolutism means?  How do you think it relates.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW: What was happening in the 15 th -17 th centuries in Europe? (1400s-1600s) What do you think the word absolutism means?  How do you think it relates."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW: What was happening in the 15 th -17 th centuries in Europe? (1400s-1600s) What do you think the word absolutism means?  How do you think it relates to governments or rulers? What do you think a good presenter looks and sounds like while sharing information?

2 First Expansion & Then Crisis Economic expansion during the Renaissance & Reformation  Agriculture  production of goods  Trade  Development of banking  More GLOBAL economy Age of Crisis in 1600s  Economic depression  Decline of Mediterranean powers like Italy & Greece  Thirty Years’ War  “little ice age” devastated agriculture  Serfdoms continue in some areas

3 State Building Amidst depression, monarchs were able to grow their power over the people and create “states” (new nations)  Greater taxation  Growth in armed forces  Built larger and more efficient system of government with monarchs at head  Built the ability to force obedience from subjects  Created ABSOLUTISM! (and constitutionalism!)

4 Absolutism & Constitutionalism Absolutism = a system of government in which the ruler claims sole and uncontestable power Monarchies – Spain, France, Austria, Prussia, Russia, Ottoman Empire Constitutionalism = a system of government in which rulers share power with parliaments made up of elected officials Monarchies – England and Dutch Republic

5 Lesson on Roman Numerals!! I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1,000 Any combination of these Roman letters equals a specific number. II = 2 III = 3 IV = 4 (5-1=4) VIII = 8 IX = 9 (10-1=9) XLIX = 49 (50-10, + 9) What is XV? XIV? XXVIII? What is the Roman numeral for 63? What about 44? What about 2013? What about 1999?!?!?

6 General Terms to Know Divine Right = the doctrine that a monarch derives his or her power directly from God Mercantilism = Economic doctrine that governments must intervene to increase national wealth and be self-sufficient by whatever means possible Bureaucracy = a network of state officials carrying out orders according to a line of authority

7 Basic Information about Spain Famous Monarchs  King Ferdinand & Queen Isabel  King Charles I  Phillip II Key Events & Terms  Spanish Inquisition = Persecution of Jews & Muslims to maintain Catholicism  Spanish Armada = the mighty Spanish Navy  Moors = Muslims in the Middle Ages in Northern Africa

8 Basic Information about France Famous Monarchs (and their advisors!)  Henry IV (Of Navarre)  Louis XIII  Cardinal Richelieu  Louis XIV  Mazarin Key Events & Terms  Edict of Nantes  Louis XIV as the Sun King  “L’etat c’est moi” = I am the state.  The Fronde = a series of revolts against the crown  Versailles

9 Basic Information about Austria Famous Monarchs  Hapsburg Monarchy (family)  Ferdinand II  Ferdinand III  Leopold I  Maria Theresa (last monarch of Hapsburgs and only female) Key Events & Terms  Holy Roman Empire  Reformation  Thirty Years War

10 Basic Information about Prussia (Germany) Famous Monarchs  Hohenzollern Monarchy  Frederick I  Frederick William I  Frederick the Great/Frederick II Key Events & Terms  Thirty Years War  Junkers = landed aristocracy  Silesian Wars  Military might!

11 Basic Information about Russia Famous Tsars & Emperors  Ivan III (the Great)  Ivan IV (the Terrible)  Ivan V  Peter the Great  Catherine II (the Great) Key Events & Terms  Tsar = king/monarch  Serfdom  Boyars = members of the highest feudal rank, second only to the tsars  Enlightened despotism = absolute monarchs who were influenced by Enlightenment thinking (Catherine the Great)

12 Basic Information about England Famous Monarchs (and rulers!)  Elizabeth I  Charles I  Oliver Cromwell  Charles II  James II  William of Orange & Mary  Don’t forget about Parliament! Key Events & Terms  Puritans  English Civil War  Executive of Charles I  Glorious Revolution

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