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Presentation on theme: "1/19/2016  INPUT DEVICES  OUT DEVICES  CPU  STORAGE DEVICES ClickClickClickClick CLICK."— Presentation transcript:


2 1/19/2016


4 1/19/2016 CLICK

5 1/19/2016 Input devices are used to capture or input data into the computer.There are wide Varity of input devices to input data graphics texts,pictures& sounds. EXAMPLES:- 1.1 KEY BOARD. 1.2 MOUSE. 1.3 SCANER. 1.4 MICROPHONE. 1.5 CD-ROM. CLICK

6 1/19/2016 CLICK

7 1/19/2016 Keyboard is the commonest way to enter text and numerical data into a computer. Each individual key is a switch, which when pressed, sends a digital code to the computer. The mouse used to control the movement of a pointer on the on the screen when it moved horizontally over a flat surface. A ball under the mouse rotates when it is moved and turns two rods, one for left/right and one for up/down. CLICK

8 1/19/2016 These are used to digitized image of pages or objects.Alught moves slowly over the surface of the picture or objects to be scanned. The colors of reflected light are dedicated and digitized to build up a digital image. The digital data can then be saved by a computer as an image file. Joystick are often used for playing computer games such as flight simulators. They can also be to control the movement of a wheelchair or other machinery. They input directional data like a mouse but work by switches being closed as the joystick is moved left or right and up or down. CLICK

9 1/19/2016 Output devices translates the results of processing – output-into human readable form. It can be give the information. There are wide Varity of output devices and sounds desire output. 2.1 PRINTERS. 2.2 SPEAKERS. 2.3 MONITORS EXAMPLE:- CLICK

10 1/19/2016 TYPE OF PRINTERS DOT- MATRIX PRINTERS INK-JET PRINTERS LASER PRINTERS How it worksThis has a print head that across the paper. The head has a set of pins which are pushed out to form the shape of each character. The print head contains tiny nozzles through which different colored inks can be sprayed onto the paper to form the characters or the graphics image These print in the same way as photocopiers.Thepo wded ink [TONER], is transferred to the paper and then fixed by heat and pressure. Advantages  Purchase cost is low.  Running cost is low.  Multiple copies.  Relatively in Expensive.  High quality  Quite.  Fast.  High quality print out.  Running cost is low Disadvantage  Printing quality is low.  Quite noisy.  Running cost can be very high.  More expensive. CLICK

11 1/19/2016 The central processing unit is one of the two most important components of micro computer. It is electronic brain of computer. To processing data, it controls the function of all the components. These are Control unit Arithmetic and logic unit. This is the nerve center of the computer system. Controlling all other hardware operations, those of the input-output units storage and of the processor it self. The various factors to be proceed are taken from the main storage as directed by the cu and stored its registers. They are then added etc,together and the result placed back in main storage. CLICK

12 1/19/2016 A personal computer must have a means of storing information [data] and introductions so that it can perform processing tasks on the data. Personal computers have two types of memory. INTERNAL STORAGE EXTERRNAL SRORAGE a)ROM. b)RAM. a)HARD DISCS. b)FLOPPY DISCS. c)CD-ROM. CLICK

13 1/19/2016 ROM is an small area of permanent memory that provides start up instruction when in the computer is turn on. Can not save any data in ROM. This is the aria of memory where data and program instructions are stored while the computer is in operation. This is temporary memory. The data stored in ram is list forever when the computer is turned off. CLICK

14 1/19/2016 These can be fond on most micro computers and accept the usual 3.5 inch floppy discs. High density discs for a PC hold 1.44 MB data. A computers main storage media devices,also called a hard disk drive.Most hard drives are permanently stored in internal drive. CLICK

15 1/19/2016 CD-ROM- means Compact Disc –Read Only Memory.This means you can only read from the disc, not write or store data onto it. It is much faster to access than floppy but it currently slower than a hard disc. Different capacities of memory sticks are available. High performance flash memory stick perform up to Read 20MB/Wriye20MB.Plug&play installation and removal. CLICK


17 1/19/2016

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