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Presentation on theme: "›We’ll begin at 1:00. ›Everyone is currently muted to reduce background noise. ›If you are having any tech issues, please chat to Karla Vien for assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 ›We’ll begin at 1:00. ›Everyone is currently muted to reduce background noise. ›If you are having any tech issues, please chat to Karla Vien for assistance. ›The PowerPoint and handout will be posted on the Literacy Action Network website. Welcome to Web Chat with MNABE!

2 Quarterly Statewide ABE Webinar Discussion December 9, 2015 Welcome to Web Chat with MNABE !

3 From the Minnesota Department of Education ›Todd Wagner, State ABE Director ›Julie Dincau, Transitions Specialist ›Cherie Eichinger, Administrative Support ›Brad Hasskamp, Policy Specialist ›Astrid Liden, Professional Development Specialist ›Laurie Rheault, Grants Specialist From Literacy Action Network ›Karla Vien, LAN Coordinator MNABE Staff Participating

4 ›Type using the webinar’s chat function ›Raise your hand and ask over phone or headset during Q & A periods when unmuted ›Ask Karla if you have any questions or need technical assistance How to Share Ideas & Questions

5 1.Adult Secondary Credentials 2.Professional Development 3.Supplemental Services 4.Transitions 5.WIOA Planning 6.Testing Questions 7.Questions Today’s Topics

6 Brad Hasskamp Adult Secondary Credentials


8 1.Deaf ABE 2.Metro South ABE 3.Northwest MN Region (Alexandria, Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, Moorhead) 3 New Pilot 2 Programs

9 1.Department of Corrections (Shakopee, Stillwater) 2.Metro North 3.Minneapolis (North & South Campuses) 3 Expansion Pilot 2 Programs


11 DateEvent October- November 2015 January & March 2016 Special advanced Math and ELA standards training for Pilot 1 diploma program staff January-June 2016 Training Pilot 2 program staff July 2016 New diploma pilot programs launch Standard Adult Diploma 23 of 43 consortia participating Pilot 2 Steps

12 GED

13 GEDTS currently working with four major employers & thousands of potential testers 1.Walmart 2.KFC 3.Taco Bell 4.Southeastern Grocers GEDWorks TM

14 Students get: › Free Advisor › Free GED Ready Tests › Free GED Testing (Paid by employers) GEDWorks TM Services

15 Potential testers could benefit from ABE instruction GEDTS wants to connect testers and ABE sites ›Advisors match testers to ABE sites ›Contact ABE center of interested students and provide contact instructions GEDWorks TM and ABE

16 December: ›Look for email from GEDTS or from Cherie on GEDWorks TM instructions January and ongoing ›Centers will get email or phone call when testers are interested in ABE Coming: GEDWorks TM

17 GED Terms and Supports › Promotions : discounts directly from GED Testing service that can be used by any tester › Vouchers : free GED Ready ® practice tests, purchased for MN ABE system and allocated to ABE programs to give to student testers › ABE Discount Code : $10 discounts on GED tests, purchased for MN ABE system and allocated to ABE programs to give to student testers › Automatic State Discount : $10 discount on GED tests upon registration, funded through state legislation

18 Who You Gonna Call? Alice Smith ›GED Records and Verifications ›Support Brad Hasskamp ›Age Waivers ›GED Ready Vouchers ›State GED Administrator Todd Wagner ›Leadership and Additional Issues

19 1.Customer Service Issues 2.Test center Quality Issues 3.Technical Support Testing Center Support Line 1-866-389-3665

20 GED Information ›GED Ready ›Online portal for students, educators and testing centers ›Additional resources on website

21 Astrid Liden Professional Development

22 Mark your calendars! Spring Regionals: ›Metro (Minneapolis), March 11 ›South (Mankato), April 8 ›North (Grand Rapids), April 21-22 Spring Grant Application Meetings: ›North (Breezy), April 5 ›South (TBD), April 20 (tentative) ›Metro (MDE), April 26

23 ›January 28-29, 2016 in Minnetonka ›New conference for all ESL and ABE basic skills/GED practitioners ›Replaces Adult ESL Institute & All-STAR ›Registration opens December 14 via PD calendar on ATLAS website ›Travel scholarships available ›CCRS ELA Foundations offered both days ›Manager topics (Friday) include: –Innovations in literacy alignment –IEL/Civics panel Language & Literacy Institute

24 Content: ›MN State Standards (15 minutes) ›ACES Introduction (1 hour) ›6 individual ACES modules (1 hr. 30 mins each): Effective Communication, Learning Strategies, Self-Management, Navigating Systems, Critical Thinking, Developing a Future Pathway ›Assessment (15 minutes) Delivery: ›Online & self-paced ›CEUs upon completion, “Choose your own adventure” depending on needs! ACES 101 Course

25 ›Videos & archived webinars: reading, math, transitions, science, writing, ESL, volunteers ›Use during staff meetings, PLCs, in-house PD events MN ABE PD YouTube Channel:

26 ›Critical component of our data-driven PD system ›Open from January 12 – February 29 ›Questions for administrators, instructors, and support staff ›Approximately 30 minutes to complete Statewide PD Survey

27 ›Primary work challenges ›Self-assessment of skills ›PD needs ›Narrative programs ONLY: –Work context & experience –Educational background –PD participation –Access to and use of technology ABE PD survey questions

28 ›Statewide & regional PD: –Analysis & planning by statewide PD committee, ABE supplemental service providers, and state ABE office over next several months ›Local PD: –Request a report of your consortium survey results from Marisa Geisler at ATLAS for local PD planning ›Individual PD: –Print your results at the end of the survey & use them to complete an individual PD plan; template available at management/grants/narrative management/grants/narrative Using the results

29 ›Complete survey during staff meeting or PD time & have staff share response highlights or reflections with each other ›Provide additional paid time to complete the survey ›Ask staff to notify administrator upon completion of the survey ›Other ideas? Encouraging survey participation

30 CCRS Training Model - DRAFT Part I CCRS Foundations ELA shifts: Text complexity, Evidence, Knowledge Math shifts: Focus, Coherence, Rigor 8 Math Practices Part II Instructional Planning Resource alignment Lesson alignment Part III Classroom Practice Student assignments Observing standards- based lessons Options for receiving this training:  Summer Institute pre-conference, 1 full day  Math: Math Institute  ELA: Language & Literacy Institute  CCRS 101 online course (available spring 2016) Options for receiving this training:  Annual CCR Standards-in-Action Cohort: Two 2-day institutes (1 fall, 1 spring), kickoff & wrap up webinars, implementation tasks between meetings) Prerequisite: Part I, CCRS Foundations for ELA or Math  After 2017: Individual training modules (workshop + follow-up) for training components

31 ›CCRS Foundations training is a prerequisite to participation in all advanced CCRS training ›Current adult diploma pilots (1 & 2) are receiving this training this year ›All future adult diploma programs will need to go through cohort training prior to launch ›Application for FY17 cohort available May, due June, announced July CCRS Cohort Training

32 Todd Wagner Supplemental Services

33 ›2-Year Grants beginning July 1, 2016 –Process: ›RFP developed January and February 2016 ›Consider state and federal priorities ›Review PD survey information ›Feedback/suggestions from stakeholders ›What additions or changes would you like to see to the activities and resources provided? Supplemental Services

34 Transitions Julie Dincau

35 › Moving Pathways Forward –Year 1

36 ›The overall focus is to strengthen statewide career pathway development and implementation during WIOA Transition year 2015-2016 and prepare all practitioners for alignment with workforce development and postsecondary partners under WIOA. Moving Pathways Forward-Year 2

37 Goal: Provide three regional educational and networking opportunities that establish or strengthen relationships/ partnerships between libraries, adult education and/or workforce organizations. ›Metro Date – Friday, April 29, 2016 ›North and South dates to be determined possibly Mondays, May 9 th and 16th Library

38 …In this context, “adult education” has the same definition as it does under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, Title II of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (Pub. L. 113-128) and includes academic instruction and education services below the postsecondary level that increase an individual’s ability to: Read, write, and speak in English and perform mathematics or other activities necessary for the attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent; Transition to postsecondary education and training; and Obtain employment. DCL ID: GEN-15-09 Ability-to-Benefit

39 Questions in regards to the fiscal component of the grant should be directed to: Nola Speiser (651) 259-7595 Here is a link to the Equal Opportunity Posters: tail.aspx?pol=304 Pathways to Prosperity (P2P)

40 Todd Wagner Brad Hasskamp WIOA Planning and Resources

41 ›State, Regional and Local Plans due in March –State Process: ›Cross-program workgroups ›Drafting separate sections of the plan –Regional (mulitple WSAs) ›Convened by WSA Directors – Focus regional key sectors and program strategies –Local (single WSA/WDB) ›Local plan/operating agreement ›Have planning activities begun in your area? State-Level Planning

42 The “ Recompete ” › What: enhanced ABE application › Projected due date: March 15, 2017 › Applies to: All current and potential ABE consortium › Purpose: Determines which entities receive federal (and state) ABE funding under WIOA as consortia 42

43 13 Considerations 1)Responsive to regional needs in local plan and serving individuals most in need 2)Ability to serve eligible individuals with disabilities, including learning disabilities 3)Past effectiveness in improving literacy skills 4)Alignment between proposed activities and services with strategy and goals of local plan and services of one-stop partners 5)Program is of sufficient intensity and quality, based on rigorous research, and uses instructional practices 6)Provider activities are based on best practices derived from rigorous and scientifically valid research and effective educational practice 7)Effective use of technology, services, and delivery systems to increase the quality of learning 43

44 13 Considerations (1-4) 1)Responsive to regional needs in local plan and serving individuals most in need 2)Ability to serve eligible individuals with disabilities, including learning disabilities 3)Past effectiveness in improving literacy skills 4)Alignment between proposed activities and services with strategy and goals of local plan and services of one-stop partners 44

45 13 Considerations (5-7) 5)Program is of sufficient intensity and quality, based on rigorous research, and uses instructional practices 6)Provider activities are based on best practices derived from rigorous and scientifically valid research and effective educational practice 7)Effective use of technology, services, and delivery systems to increase the quality of learning 45

46 13 Considerations (8-10) 8)Provide learning in context, including through integrated education and training, to assist in transition to and completion of postsecondary education and training, and obtaining employment 9)Activities delivered by instructors who meet the minimum qualifications established by the State 10)Coordination with other education, training, and social service resources in the community 46

47 13 Considerations (11-13) 11)Activities offer flexible schedules and coordination with support services necessary to enable individuals to attend and complete programs 12)Provider maintains a high-quality information management system to report participant outcomes and monitor program performance 13)Local areas where provider is located have demonstrated need for additional English acquisition and civics education programs 47

48 What other criteria should be considered for state-level planning or for the 2017 re-compete? WIOA Questions

49 Testing Questions -Use the locator -Ensure you have a valid score -Ask Mary Zimmerli or Jenny Schlukebier testing data questions

50 Thank You! Have a great holiday! Next Web Chat: Wednesday, February 10, 2016

51 The PowerPoint and handout will be posted on the Literacy Action Network website. Questi ns

52 Stay Warm!

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