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Money in Politics and Aftermath of the Citizens United Ruling Is One Person One Vote Real? LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS of WASHINGTON.

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Presentation on theme: "Money in Politics and Aftermath of the Citizens United Ruling Is One Person One Vote Real? LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS of WASHINGTON."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money in Politics and Aftermath of the Citizens United Ruling Is One Person One Vote Real? LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS of WASHINGTON

2 Path to the Citizens United v. FEC Ruling Amendment to FEC Campaign Act, 1972 FEC Campaign Act, 1971 Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Company,1886 “Corporation personhood” Buckley v. Valeo, 1976 “ Money is free speech ” First Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, 1977 “Cororpation’s Campaign spending is free speech Citizens United v. FEC, 2010 “No limit to campaign spending”

3 Key Aspects of Citizens United Ruling The First Amendment keeps the government from interfering or checking in the "marketplace of ideas“, "rationing" or “fairness” of speech. Corporations and unions are free to spend unlimited money to electioneering communications. The judicial concept of corruption is some form of a “quid pro quo*” transaction. There is no reliable evidence to substantiate the risk of corruption or appearance of corruptions. * an exchange of goods or services, where one transfer is contingent upon the other.

4 Modified image which original appeared in Rootstrikers, “Citizens United: Just the tip of the iceberg”,!/project/citizens-united-just-the-tip-of-the-iceberg!/project/citizens-united-just-the-tip-of-the-iceberg Are Average Citizens Titanic? CITIZENS UNITED RULING JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG

5 Figure 1. Influences of Average Citizens, Economic Elites, and Interest Groups upon policy outcomes The data are from the table 3 listed in the ref. 1. Prediction of policy outcome is scaled to range from 0 to 1. If the proposed policy change took place within four years of the survey date, it 's coded "1" and if not, "0" Citizens United Ruling is a Wake-up Call

6 Outside Group Spending Through January 21, 2014

7 Impact of Money in Politics in WA Washington State senator admits campaign contributions influence the senator’s decision in policymaking Impact of money on candidate races and elected officials Money and voter access Impact of money on state initiatives

8 Donors Access to Congressional Officials CREDIT: David Broockman and Josh Kalla.

9 Influence of Campaign Money in Elections in WA Impact of money on state initiatives Individual funding initiatives Campaign spending and voter behavior Is there quid pro quo (i.e. Is money given in return for a service?)

10 Most Expensive Initiative Campaign in the History of Washington

11 Competitive Initiative* to the People with the Highest Campaign Spending Elections in Washington State *Competitive initiative requires campaigns “For” and “Against”.

12 Election Campaign Spending and Voter Behaviors in the Initiative 522 (I-522) in 2013

13 Contributions to I-522 Campaigns by Washington (WA) v. Non-WA Residents and Voter Preference Voter preference (%) Contributions YES on 522 NO on 522 YES on 522 NO on 522 Non-residents contributions WA residents contributions Voter preference

14 Poll for Advertising and Voter Preference

15 Action & Responses to the Citizens United Decision Constitutional amendment by WA grassroots organizations Legislative actions on campaign contributions, financing and public disclosure Protecting WA State Public Disclosure Law (PDL) Introducing legislation to close a loophole in the WA PDL Actions and Responses I:

16 Reassessing the LWVUS campaign finance and corporate personhood positions by forming task force for: Campaign finance Constitutional amendment Redistricting Consolidation of grassroots organizations to overcome big money funded election campaign The public resorting to civil disobedience Action & Responses to the Citizens United Decision Actions and Responses II:

17 Impact of Money in Elections: How does money affect an elected official’s behavior? How can big money in political campaigns change voter behaviors? How can the flood of campaign money create voter apathy? Do big money spenders have better access to elected officials? Why? Questions to Develop a Dialogue - I

18 Campaign Financing and Expenditure: Should there be limits on the right of free speech in the political arena? Why? Should there be limits on campaign contribution? Why? Does the First Amendment and freedom pf speech pertain to money in politics? What do members of the LWVs believe the League's position on campaign finance should be? How important is transparency of campaign donors? Are there legal and constitutional ways to regulate independent expenditures made on behalf of candidates? Questions to Develop a Dialogue II

19 What do you think? How do you define corruption? How is big money in elections corruption? Is money in politics a problem? If so, how big of a problem? How does money in politics affect the ordinary citizens’ daily life? Money was equated to “Free Speech”, What are your thoughts on that comparison? What are your thoughts on whether citizen participation has been reduced to meaningless choice among pre-screened candidates, none of which represent the citizen’s view? Questions to Develop a Dialogue III

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