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YOUR TERM PAPER RUS2104. What do I have to do? An analysis of an aspect of one or several Russian films post 1945. Length: approx. 2000 words. A bibliography.

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Presentation on theme: "YOUR TERM PAPER RUS2104. What do I have to do? An analysis of an aspect of one or several Russian films post 1945. Length: approx. 2000 words. A bibliography."— Presentation transcript:


2 What do I have to do? An analysis of an aspect of one or several Russian films post 1945. Length: approx. 2000 words. A bibliography page citing at least three academic secondary sources is required. Due date: November 21st.

3 Choosing a film Choose a film from the lists on the following slides. Look up the film on the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB). Find the film: online, in the library, or at Glebe Video. Watch the film carefully at least twice.

4 Suggested films pre 1991 (* more difficult film) Ballad of a Soldier Lady with a Little Dog I Walk Around Moscow Solaris* Stalker* Slave of Love Oblomov Autumn Marathon Five Evenings Moscow does not believe in tears Hedgehog in the Dark Cruel Romance Taxi Blues Adam’s Rib

5 Suggested films post 1991 Brother or Brother II Captive of the Caucasus The Wedding The Cuckoo Night Watch Boomer Moloch The Return The Twelve (12)

6 I want to write about a film not on the list!!! Check with the professor before choosing a film not on the list. You will need a cogent reason to write about a film already discussed in class.

7 Choosing an approach: Narrative If you find the narrative (story) important, examine how it is presented. (Do not simply retell the story!!!) Are there flashbacks, flash forwards, ellipses? Why? What meanings could this story have in the Soviet/Russian context?

8 Choosing an approach: character and acting Examine a character’s role in the film: How is s/he presented? How does the character relate to the other characters? What means does the film-maker use to present the character? How does the acting enhance the presentation of the character?

9 Choosing an approach: editing and camera work Examine what is important and interesting about how the film is shot and edited. How does the editing enhance the rhythm of the film? Are there any striking examples of camera use and editing: jump-cuts, point of view, detail shots, panning, dolly shots, etc. What does the editing tell us about the meaning of the film?

10 Choosing an approach: Film and literature If you are interested in literature, you may choose a film that is based on a piece of literature (e.g. Lady with a Little Dog, Solaris). Is the interpretation the story receives in the film faithful, or does it take liberties? How do changes to the story affect the meaning of the film?

11 How will my paper be evaluated? Here are the main criteria: Originalityand quality of analysis; coherence of organization; quality of sources and appropriate source referencing where required; quality of language (English or French); neatness of presentation.

12 Physical presentation and form: Typed double-spaced in 12 pt Times Roman with 1" margins; all pages numbered and author identified; initial page with all pertinent information: (student name, number, course number, name of professor, title of paper, number of words); all sources and statements referenced; references keyed to a list of works cited; system of referencing should be consistent.

13 Tips Titles of films and books should be in italics. Your final paragraph should not be a summary of the content of the paper; it should contain a new observation or comment that opens a new perspective. Be careful with the apostrophe. Here are some traps: it’s = it is; whose (who’s =who is).

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