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Unit One Section B Period 3 one two three four 0 zero English numbers : 0 1 2 3 4.

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2 Unit One

3 Section B Period 3

4 one two three four 0 zero English numbers : 0 1 2 3 4

5 five six seven eightnine 5 6 7 8 9

6 Let’s read these numbers. ( 朗读这些数字。) 59732236680653660215 2655494614 0548925897

7 Listen to the conversation. Listen again and write the telephone number. 2 7 8 - 6 9 2 6 1b

8 —What’s your phone number, Li Xin? —It’s 281-9176. 1c

9 Bill: What’s your telephone number, Tony? Tony: It’s 278-6926. Bill: 2-7-8-6-9-2-6. Thanks. Tapescript

10 1.Tom c a. 929-31 2. Linda b. 398-61 3. Bob c. 278-79 4. Mary d. 555-80 Listen and match the names with telephone numbers. 2a d b a

11 1.Tom c a. 929-31_ _ 2. Linda b. 398-61 _ _ 3. Bob c. 278-79 _ _ 4. Mary d. 555-80 _ _ Listen again and complete the telephone numbers. 2b d b a 6 0 4 9 2 8 4 2

12 A: Hello. What’s your name? B: My name’s Tom. A: What’s your phone number, Tom? Tapescript Conversation 1

13 A: Hi, Linda! B: Hello, Tony. A: Linda, what’s your phone number? B: Oh, it’s umm… 555-8042. Tapescript Conversation 2

14 A: Hi, I’m Miller. B: Hello, Mr Miller! My name is Bob. A: What’s your phone number, Bob? B: My phone number? It’s 398-6149. Tapescript Conversation 3

15 A: Hello, Mary! B: Oh, hi, Karl! A: Mary, what’s your phone number? B: It’s 929-3160. Tapescript Conversation 4

16 Can you solve the addition problems? ( 你会做下列加法题吗 ? ) Example ( 例如 ): — What’s six and one? — It’s seven. 1. —What’s two and three? —It’s _____. 2. —What’s zero and nine? —It’s _____. 3. —What’s four and three ? —It’s _____. 4. —What’s one and seven? —It’s _____. five nine seven eight

17 拓展延伸

18 生活链接一 :

19 生活链接二 : 请认真体会下列会话,想一想他 们在干什么? A: Hello! 5544880. B: Hello! This is Tong. Who’s that? A: This is Peter, Tong. B: Peter, can you come and play? A: OK.

20 合作探究: 请同学们相互用 “What’s your /his / her phone number?” 提问,然后建立班级 同学的电话簿。可采用这种格式: NameFJenny Brown L Age13 Phone number 535- 2375

21 文化茶座文化茶座 Further Applying

22 你听说过美国的十大姓氏吗? 在美国,万人以上的大姓有三千多 个。其中最大的姓氏 Smith ,美国十 大姓氏的排列顺序是:

23 1. Smith 史密斯 2. Johnson 约翰逊 3. Williams 威廉姆斯 4. Brown 布朗 5. Jones 琼斯 6. Miller 米勒 7. Davis 戴维斯 8. Martinson 马丁森 9. Anderson 安德森 10. Wilson 威尔逊

24 Bob Dale Alan Jim Tony Tom Mike Jim Jack Nick Eric Frank Jenny Alice Cindy Grace Helen Mary Linda Jacqueline girl’s nameboy’s name


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