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Goal Setting.

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1 Goal Setting

2 EQ & Do now EQ: What are the 6 S’s of Goal Setting? Do now:
What is a goal that you have for the future and why?

3 What is a Goal? A Goal is something that you work toward and hope to achieve Goals are directions for your life, and by setting goals for the future you will have a map of where to go.

4 Types of Goals Short Term Goals Long Term Goals
Can be achieved quickly. In a matter of days or weeks. Can be achieved in months or years. Requires effort, hard work, and determination. Not Overnight

5 6 S’s of Goal Setting Choose goals that are safe
If your goal is to lose weight, how are you going to accomplish it? What are the 2 ways you could reach that goal?

6 6 S’s of Goal Setting Your goals should be satisfying. You should feel good when you reach your goals. If you want to do well on an exam, and you cheat, does that take satisfaction away?

7 6 S’s of Goal Setting Make sure goals are sensible and realistic
Does it make sense for me to have a goal to become the best piano player in the world in the next 2 years?

8 6 S’s of Goal Setting Your goals should be similar to goals that you have had in the past. If a person plans on going to college for business, should they have a goal to be an engineer after they graduate?

9 6 S’s of Goal Setting Good goals are specific
Will make the steps to achieve the goal clear. I want to be happy vs. Listening to music makes me happy, so I want to work in a music store so I can buy CD’s at a discounted price and learn about new artists.

10 6 S’s of Goal Setting Have support for your goals.
Support may come from family, friends, or teachers. If you wanted to be the best athlete on your team using steroids, would you get support from your family?

11 Action Plan An Action Plan is a set of directions that will help you reach your goal. Describes step by step process you will take to work towards your goal Includes the date the goal will be achieved by

12 Action Plan Should contain suggestions that will make reaching your goals easier. It is important to know what influences can help you and hurt you when working towards your goals. What are some influences that can help you?

13 Action Plan – Track Your Progress
You can write down accomplishments every week or month.

14 Vision Board 30 points. Use colors & pictures (can be drawn, printed from a computer, cut from a magazine, or be a picture of you). At least 6 goals (3 short term, 3 long term) Including date (month or year) Must include a 3 paragraph paper about your goals, how you plan to accomplish them, and why it is important to write goals Can be typed or handwritten.

15 Group Work Brainstorm common goals that would satisfy the 6 S’s.
Choose one goal, and write down a brief description of how it would be accomplished. Go through each S of goal setting, and describe how each one is met by your goal.

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