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RTF Staff, Subcommittee and Work Updates January 23, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "RTF Staff, Subcommittee and Work Updates January 23, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTF Staff, Subcommittee and Work Updates January 23, 2013

2 At the December meeting, the RTF didn't review Navigant's proposed measure life changes for two measures: Measure #1: Heat Pump Upgrades SF – Existing measure life 20 years – Navigant recommendation 15 years – Based on DEER 2008. » DEER value estimated based on estimates from four sources. – Staff recommendation 15 years – Based on DOE TSD (Chapter 8)Chapter 8 » TSD uses RECS and AHS data along with shipment data to develop a survival function and median lifetime » Average of 16.2; median of 14.6. – Proposed Decision Adopt a new measure life of 15 years for all Heat Pump upgrade and conversion measures. 2

3 (continued) Measure #2: Green Motor Rewinds – Existing Measure Life Ag & Ind: 8-12 years – Navigant recommendation Agricultural: 14-20 years; Industrial: 7-9 years – EUL is calculated as design motor life (in hours) divided by annual hours of operation, which differs by HP category. – Staff Recommendation Ag & Ind: 7-9 years – Ag motors are not expected to last 14-20 years because of dirty/harsh conditions, so set to same level as Industrial. – Proposed Decision Adopt a new measure life of 7-9 years for Agricultural and Industrial Green Motor Rewind measures. 3

4 Fridge Recycling Fridge recycling savings were finalized after decision at December meeting Slight change from previous meeting due to incorporation of in-situ factor in workbook. Corrected workbook posted to UES page. 4

5 Refrigerator and Freezer Decommissioning Refrigerator and Freezer Decommissioning Measure Summary Cost Savings TRC Prior to Update = Previous workbook (5/5/12) Dec. Update = Navigant presentation at December, 2012 RTF meeting Final Update = Final workbook numbers after incorporating in-situ factors

6 Operations Subcommittee Met January, 10 2013 Reviewed January Agenda RTF orientation planning WUTC orientation discussion Operations committee membership Contracts Decisions: Selected additional RTF New staff contracts and terms 6

7 Policy Advisory Committee Meets January 24 th Dashboard review RTF performance metrics Review RTF member survey results Review new draft COI policy 7

8 ELCAP Task 3 Complete Cadmus finished linking file contents together Proposed a database structure Posted on RTF website under ELCAP proposal als/rfp/ELCAP/ Forming users group in January – Test database – Provide feedback – Share uses of the data 8

9 IT Subcommittee Meeting First Tuesday of each month First meeting February 5, 1:30 – 2:30 pst Mira Vowles convenor Focusing on Data Centers Ask Staff to be put on the distribution list 9

10 Lighting Standard Protocol Subcommittee Comments received and being incorporated SBW taxonomy recommendation Draft data collection plan underway To meet in February to finalize 10

11 Pump and Fan VFD Subcommittee Cascade review of calculator and protocol Changes to Fan VFD indicated Pump VFD prepared for Provisional 11

12 2013 RTF Meeting Dates February 20 (Wed.) March 20 April 16 May 21 June 18 July 16 August 20 September 17 October 15 November 19 December 17 12

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