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Tiffany Godinez Room 8 5 th Grade  Introduction  5 th Grade Highlights  Curriculum Overview  Homework  Attendance  Assessments, Grading Scale,

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2 Tiffany Godinez Room 8 5 th Grade

3  Introduction  5 th Grade Highlights  Curriculum Overview  Homework  Attendance  Assessments, Grading Scale, & Report Cards  Behavior Expectations  Parent/Teacher Partnership Agenda

4  B.A. in Liberal Studies and M.A. in Child and Adolescent Literacy from LMU  Multiple-Subject Teaching Credential  Reading Specialist Credential  Reading Certificate  Teaching since 2006  Grades 2, 4, and 5  UCI Writing Project Fellow

5  Greater independence and personal responsibility  Subject matter is more dense  Oldest students on campus  Last year before middle school  Music program  Outdoor Science School

6  4 C’s  Communication  Critical Thinking  Creativity  Collaboration  College and Career Readiness

7  Reading  Comprehension  Accuracy  Fluency  Expanded vocabulary  Love of reading  Writing  Narrative  Informational/Expository  Opinion/Argument  Poetry

8  Write and interpret numerical expressions.  Analyze patterns and relationships.  Understand the place value system.  Perform operations with multi- digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths.  Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions.  Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions.  Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system.  Represent and interpret data.  Geometric measurement: understand concepts of volume and relate volume to multiplication and to addition.  Graph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems.  Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.

9  Science  Physical Science  Building Blocks of Matter  Changes in Matter  Life Science  Basic Structures of Organisms  Human Body Systems  Earth Science  Water on Earth  Weather  Solar System  History-Social Science  Geography  Native Americans  Early Settlements  Original Colonies  Revolutionary War  Constitution  Presidents  States & Capitals

10  Students who may want to take band or orchestra at Jefferson Middle School are encouraged to take the instrument classes because there are no beginning music classes at Jefferson.  Thursdays 1:10 – 2:00  Please encourage your child to be responsible for remembering his/her instrument.

11  Wear comfortable shoes and sunscreen.  Students need a note signed by a physician to be excused from P.E. for more than one day.  Mondays and Fridays 9:30 – 10:20

12  Agenda  Please check agenda daily and sign.  Feel free to write comments/questions for me in the notes section.  Students are responsible for copying down homework every day.  Reading practice every night  ConnectED (MyMath)  Pearson SuccessNet

13  Please make sure your child arrives promptly every day.  Absences should be kept to an absolute minimum.  Please call the office, e-mail, or send a note to have the absence excused.

14  Content area quizzes and tests  Projects  SRI  STAR  Ongoing informal assessments  District Assessments  California Standards Test (CST) in Science  Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC)

15  4 (Standards Mastered) 90% - 100%  3 (Standards Met) 74% - 89%  2 (Standards Nearly Met) 50% - 73%  1 (Standards Not Met) 0% - 49%  NA: Not Assessed in the Trimester

16 Academic Performance Levels: 1-4 scale Effort Levels:  Outstanding  Satisfactory*  Not consistent  Unsatisfactory

17 Washington Warrior Code of Conduct I will be…  “A” responsible person  “A” respectful person  “A” problem solver  “A” good decision maker  “A” safe person

18  Table points  Whole-class incentives  Individualized plans as needed  Schoolwide: gold slips, citations, red slips

19  Students earn credits for completing homework assignments, good behavior, classroom jobs, etc.  Students lose money for missing assignments, using the restroom during classroom, poor behavior, etc.  Students are issued a classroom paycheck at the end of the pay period and may use the money they have earned in the classroom student store.

20  Agenda Comments  Parent-Teacher Conferences  Report Cards  Note or phone call  E-mail 

21  Review homework, quizzes, and tests  Field Trip Chaperones/Volunteers  TB Test on file & Volunteer Badge  Do you have an area of expertise you’d like to share with the class?  Please join PTA  Helps pay for field trips, school assemblies, art with Mr. Loya  Classroom Donations  Supplies, items for student store, Wish List

22  November 2 – 6  Monday through Thursday are minimum days (1:30 dismissal)  Friday, November 6, is a student-free day  Signup Genius

23 Contact me: (626) 282-3926

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