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Teacher Collaboration Math + Technology. Photo by Low Fat Graphics.

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1 Teacher Collaboration Math + Technology

2 Photo by Low Fat Graphics

3 Collaboration The process of communication between individuals with common or similar goals, communication that may be informal or systematic” (Schneider, p. 7). Schneider continues to highlight “systematic” the continuous cycle of sharing knowledge thus creating a more successful learning environment for students. “Powerful catalyst for enabling teachers to improve their practice.”

4 Photo developed on

5 Problem: No cross district communication No sharing of best practices Little opportunities for collaborative experiences Photo by

6 Problem: Technology No support for technology devices Assessment versus creation Limited Usage Photos by Teaching Treasures

7 Current Collaborative Practices Weekly PLC meetings with grade level partners Focal collaboration (assessments) Analyze of data/successful teaching strategies Technology vs. Assessment tool vs. Supportive Photo by

8 Next Steps for Collaboration Develop cross district communication Establish a cohort = Community of Practice Employ a wiki to support communication + collaboration Share + discuss effective best practices Incorporate supportive technology centered learning environment

9 Photo by iCohere

10 Purpose Community of Practice PLC Findings

11 Benefit: …educator is armed with plausible solutions …(Sheehy, p. 56). CoP = Improved Quality of Instruction Photo by iCohere

12 Plan Face-to-Face + wiki Share questions + solutions “When paired with a community of practice, the online environment can work more appropriately as a compliment to knowledge exchange rather than as a primary mode.” (Sheehy, p. 57)

13 Phase One: The First Meeting Find participants Set meetings norms Determine a common math goal Brainstorm possible project ideas Find supportive technology Agree upon completion date of the project Scheduling

14 Current Participants CoP Matanzas: Three 6 th + One 5 th Grade Teacher Village: One 6 th + One fifth Grade Teacher Sequoia: One 6 th Grade Teacher D.O.: One Para-educator (Mathematics Specialist) More 5 th Grade participants needed

15 Plan for Second Meeting Following Project Completion: Discussion Technology utilized to support learning Provide feedback and recommendations Next Steps for the project PUT IN A CIRLE THINGY!!

16 Plan for the First Phase: Wiki Goal = ✔ Extending the PLC meeting ✔ Plausible solutions/projects/teaching strategies ✔ Usage of technology Discussion Threads Blogging with supportive ideas Extension of the PLC collaborative sessions

17 Benefits of a Computer Mediated Collaborative Sessions Few select leaders Multiple Users to Contribute Create Knowledge Simple features Ability to work anytime Easy choices Multiple educators can assume leadership roles

18 Connection to Teachers Creating an improved quality of instruction for students Developing continuous professional development to support best practices Creating high-level learning and more student centered classrooms

19 Connection to Students Improved quality of instruction More student centered Opportunities to develop as critical thinkers and innovative designers employing technology as assistance in learning

20 Where I have been Recruited educators to be part of the smaller collaborative CoP from my school = very important to have participant buy-in on this project (Buy in = More collaborative contributions) Collected ideas on plausible math projects and focal standards Brainstormed discussion threads for the wiki

21 Next Steps:

22 How it Relates to RVCS RVCS recognizes the necessity for cooperative collaboration sessions Provides weekly opportunities for collaboration with one early dismiss day Projects this through scheduled meeting times, monthly in-services, twice a year grade level scoring sessions for writing Photo by

23 RVCS Vision Educators participating in PLC among grade level partners within own school District goal = strengthening and improving best practices through collaboration Technology Project Based Learning Focus on particular focal students within Language Arts Rigorous core academic program

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