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Welcome to the Science Department! Here you will learn about……………

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Science Department! Here you will learn about……………"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Science Department! Here you will learn about……………

2 …..the unbelievable!


4 …..the wondrous!





9 …..the awesome!



12 …..the dangerous!

13 Grrr!!!


15 Tiny living things can be found anywhere…on your table, on your hand…called Bacteria Bacteria compete to live in every corner and crevice of earth and beyond. There are over ten times the number of bacteria for every cells in our body

16 …..the weird and bizarre!



19 ….the terrifying!

20 The Angler Fish gets its name from the spine that supports a light- producing organ that hangs from it’s head/. A chemical process called bioluminescence, produces a blue- green light similar to that of a firefly on land. The fish uses this light like fishing bait to attract its prey

21 Sharks have the most powerful jaws on the planet. A shark may grow and use over 20,000 teeth in its lifetime! Two-thirds of a shark's brain is dedicated to its sense of smell.

22 ….the puzzling!

23 No two identical fingerprints have ever been found … …unless they are from identical twins! Fingerprints are impressions left by the human finger You can outgrow your shoes but not your fingerprints as they will stay the same no matter how old you are Most criminal investigations involve the use of fngerprints Koala Bear fingerprints can be mistakenly identified from that of a human being’s!



26 …and the answers to such questions as….

27 Why are there no aspirin in the jungle? Because the parrots-eat- ’em-all.

28 What is an octopus? An eight-sided cat.

29 Why don’t astronauts get hungry after they are blasted into space? They’ve just had a big launch.

30 Teacher-‘What is air?’ Pupil-‘A balloon with its skin off.’

31 …..Let’s try some experiments for ourselves

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