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Agenda 1. Communications – messaging for Games Family members re arrivals and departures (LOCOG) 2. Up-date on Border and Immigration issues (Border Force)

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 1. Communications – messaging for Games Family members re arrivals and departures (LOCOG) 2. Up-date on Border and Immigration issues (Border Force)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 1. Communications – messaging for Games Family members re arrivals and departures (LOCOG) 2. Up-date on Border and Immigration issues (Border Force) 3. Latest demand forecasts and travel data (LOCOG, ACL, DfT) 4. Games -time Operational C3 (Command, Coordination, Communication) (DfT et al) 5. Round-Up of progress on other issues/action points. (all) 6. AOB


3 Action Points Airport, Airspace Capacity Contingency Planning and Diversion Airports — CAA to draft guidance to airlines — Following workshop NATS to collate and circulate suggestions for recovery planning with interested parties  Action: CAA, NATS Projected Demand — LOCOG to circulate further up-dates of new model outputs — Airports and others to feed information to LOCOG as it becomes available o Action: LOCOG, Airports, others

4 Action Points (cont) Airport Planning Operational Plans & Milestones — Airports to notify DfT of key milestones in operational readiness plans o Action: Airports Non-Designated Ports of Entry — LOCOG to accelerate programme of contacts with non- designated airports and report back  Action: LOCOG Border controls  UKBA to continue work on operational planning and report progress to next meeting.  Action: UKBA

5 Action Points (cont) Airport Planning Baggage — Consider options for off-airport and other temporary abnormal baggage check-in arrangements, including security aspects. o Action: LOCOG, airports, DfT Aviation Security — Airports to provide comments/ideas to LOCOG on departure day comms. o Action: Airports

6 Action Points (cont) Paralympics — Airports to continue detailed planning, consulting LOCOG on Paralympic provision, considering possible legacy benefits o Action: Airports, LOCOG Security Issues — DfT Aviation Security to write to airports setting out responses on issues discussed at October meeting. Action: DfT — Airports to review their processes for issuing passes (including expiry dates) o Action: DfT

7 Action Points (cont) Games-time Operations A+D Data Systems — LOCOG to complete refinements to ADS system with a view to launch end January  Action: LOCOG Games -Time Operations Centre (C3) — DfT to up-date future meeting on Arrivals and Departures Hub and test exercises  Action: DfT

8 Future Meetings  No meeting in March  TUESDAY 17 April Room H2  THURSDAY 24 May 2012 (RIP?) Both meetings start at 14:00

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