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Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou? Module 4 Plans 计划 授课:漳州实小 陈珍玉.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou? Module 4 Plans 计划 授课:漳州实小 陈珍玉."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou? Module 4 Plans 计划 授课:漳州实小 陈珍玉

3 Weather is important when we make plans. 制定计划时,天气很重要。

4 Make plans for the weekend according to the weather. 根据天气制定周末计划。 (任务)

5 What will the weather be like in London? ( 伦敦的天气将会怎样? ) It will be_______ in London. cloudy 多云的、阴的

6 head bread wea father weather 天气 mother ther

7 cold sunny windy hot It will be….

8 rain snow It will be…. It will …. be

9 听音,打 “√” 或打 “ ×” 。 Haikou Yinchuan Hangzhou Shenyang Guangzhou Beijing √ √ × × × √

10 What will the weather be like in Hangzhou/ Shenyang/ Guangzhou? ( 杭州 / 沈阳 / 广州的天气将会怎样? ) (听音,跟读,回答。)

11 Haikou Yinchuan Hangzhou Shenyang Guangzhou Beijing √ √ × × × √

12 Will it be …? Will it …?

13 Will it be…? Will it…?




17 制定计划

18 My Plan for the Weekend ( 我的周末计划 ) I’m ______________. Maybe it will________________ on Sunday. I will_________________________. (I will_________________________. I will take( 带 )_____________________.) Chen Zhenyu be sunny go to Jiaoye Park my cap and water ride a bike

19 活动要求: 1. 根据天气制定计划。 2. 四人小组内交流。 3. 书写计划书。

20 go swimminghave a picnicfly a kite watch TV ride a bike play football take pictures go to the park go to the zoo play basketball read my books listen to music

21 1. 听音,跟读 3 遍。(家长签名) 2. 制作 “ 天气 ” 地图。(图标、单词) 3. 收看天气预报,向父母展示用英语播报天气。 (选做)


23 weather hot warm cold rain cool windy cloudy snow sunny 123456789

24 cold sunny windy hot rain snow

25 It will be…tomorrow. It will …tomorrow. be snowrain

26 Module 4 Plans Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou? 授课:漳州实小 陈珍玉

27 cold sunny windy hot It will be….


29 sunny windy cloudy


31 Will it (be)________?

32 It will be sunny. I will ride a horse.


34 1.It will be cloudy. Yao Ming will play football 2. It will be cloudy. Langlang will go fishing 3. It will be cloudy. Song Zuying will row a boat. 4. It will be cloudy. Ms Chen will dance.


36 1.It will snow. Yao Ming will sing songs. 2. It will snow. Langlang will play basketball. 3. It will snow. Song Zuying will run. 4. It will snow. Ms Chen will draw a picture.

37 It will_________. I will____________. be cloudy fly a kite

38 It ____________. I ________________. will be hot will go swimming

39 ____________. ________________. It will rain I will watch TV

40 It will be sunny. I will ride a horse.

41 It will snow. I will fly a kite.


43 It will be cloudy. Yao Ming will play football.

44 It will be cloudy. Lang Lang will go fishing.

45 It will be cloudy. Song Zuying will row a boat.

46 It will be cloudy. Ms Chen will dance.

47 It will ____________. I will ________________. be hot go swimming

48 It _____________. I ____________. will be cloudy will fly a kite windy cloudy fly a kite row a boat

49 ____________. ________________. It will rain I will watch TV rain snow watch TV listen to music


51 My Plan for the Weekend ( 我的周末计划 ) I’m _______. Maybe it will ________ on Sunday. I will ___________. Daming be cloudy listen to music

52 It will be…. It will …. be

53 go swimminghave a picnicfly a kite watch TV ride a bike play football take pictures go to the park go to the zoo play basketball read my books play table tennis

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