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Mayfield S. S. Course Selection 2016-2017 Choices for Grade 11.

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Presentation on theme: "Mayfield S. S. Course Selection 2016-2017 Choices for Grade 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mayfield S. S. Course Selection 2016-2017 Choices for Grade 11

2 Timelines Course Selection – The window opens TODAY, until February 12, 2016. Choose Early: the Waitlist is electronic, time stamped and dated. Follow Up - cancelled courses, conflicts, concerns about levels of difficulty


4 Choose Wisely Mayfield is very full. Please choose grade 11 courses only. If you choose a grade 12 course to try to get ahead, you may find yourself with a spare instead. Grade 12 courses are kept for grade 12 students. Only after all grade 12 students are accommodated would we consider grade 11’s requests for a grade 12 course. No course changes will be made because of teacher or lunch preference.

5 Chart Your Course is the Peel Course calendar– available online at The online booklet is divided into 3 sections – general information including the requirements for an Ontario high school diploma, school section, Ministry course descriptions and pre-requisite pathway charts All courses are described online. Click on the course code for the description.


7 Logging in Click on BYOD page

8 Log on with BYOD Click on Resources

9 Log on with BYOD Click on My Blueprint

10 If you are using a personal email address to log in, please change it to your BYOD address. Click on the gear and change your email address to your BYOD address, and choose a password. Make sure the school is Mayfield Secondary School

11 Planning on My Blueprint New this year

12 Planning Help: Career Spectrum Complete the surveys to have a clearer understanding of your pathway.

13 Plan Your Courses Click on High School Planner to Choose Your Courses

14 This is where you see course requirements for graduation. This is where you see your post-secondary opportunities across Canada based on your course selection. This is where you view other graduation requirements and your progress.

15 This is where you can: compulsory courses completed courses and marks plan your courses for multiple grades and build your graduation and post-secondary plan in advance. submit your plan for the upcoming school year You will see:

16 Add a course to your plan by clicking on ‘+ Course’. Explore the subject specific courses available at Mayfield. Select courses to meet your program, diploma, and post- secondary requirements.

17 1. Click on a subject folder to review courses available. 2. Click on a course to read course prerequisites and description. 3. Click ‘Add Course to Plan’ in the bottom right corner. Note: You can use the Grade dropdown or search filters to find a course.

18 1.Hover your cursor over the course box (do not click) and a red ‘X’ will appear. Then click the ‘X’ to remove the course. 2. Add a course to your plan by clicking on ‘+ Course’.

19 You will see the error message shown if you select a course for which you do not have the prerequisite. Please review your course prerequisites. See your guidance counsellor to develop a plan.

20 1.A course selected for which you do not have the prerequisite will show as this. 2.Submitting a plan in which you do not have a prerequisite will result in this error message. Note: Choose wisely, your plan will not be approved by your counsellor if you do not have the required prerequisites!

21 1.Submitting a plan with a missing prerequisite will result in this error message. 2.Do not click ‘confirm and print’ 3. Click ‘Return to Plan’ and review your course selections. 3

22 1.If you clicked ‘Submit’ and do not have a full course load, then you will get the error message shown. Click ‘Cancel’ and return to course selection. 2. If you ignore Step 1, you will receive the error messages resulting in the ‘Insufficient Credits’ error on the Verification Form / Sign-Off Sheet.

23 1.A plan that meets all graduation requirements will result in the checkmark shown. 2.Submit your plan by clicking ‘Submit’ Note: Only your next year grade courses will be submitted even if multiple years have been planned.

24 1.Please print the Course Verification Form / Sign- Off Sheet in myBlueprint. 2.Have your Parent/ Guardian sign the form and return the form to the Student Services Office.

25 You are Done! Choosing appropriate courses based on your interests, skills and future planning is essential to your success. Use myBlueprint to plan wise decisions for the future. Document your plan on myBlueprint so that you can keep track of experiences, achievements, volunteer work and future choices.


27 18 compulsory credits 4 credits in English 3 credits in Mathematics 2 credits in Science 1 credit in Canadian History 1 credit in Canadian Geography 1 credit in the Arts 1 credit in Health and Physical Education 1 credit in French as a Second Language 0.5 credit in Career Studies 0.5 credit in Civics 12 optional credits

28 12 optional credits 40 hours of community involvement activities the provincial literacy requirement Plus one credit from each of the following groups: 1 additional credit in English, or French as a second language, or a Native language, or social sciences and the humanities, or Canadian and World Studies, or Guidance and Career Education, or Cooperative Education 1 additional credit in Health and Physical Education, or the Arts, or Business Studies, French as a second language, or Cooperative Education 1 additional credit in Science (grade 11 or 12), or Technological Education, or Computer Studies, French as a second language, or Cooperative Education

29 Grades 11 and 12 The Course Codes are Destination based Types of courses are indicated by the fifth character, for example, ENG3C0 –College preparation (3C0) –College/University preparation (3M0) –Open(3O0) –University preparation(3U0) –Workplace preparation(3E0)

30 The Apprenticeship Pathway OYAP : a skilled trades training program- earn while you learn – start in co-op at Mayfield one of Ontario’s best kept secrets of post-secondary training – with over 200 careers to choose from, there is a skilled trade for every aptitude and interest Skilled trades are in demand and have excellent job prospects

31 Community college programs provide valuable academic and practical/technical skills training for a specific career – they offer diploma and degree programs. Check out Programs include Business Admin, Biomedical Technology, Computer Animation, Engineering Technology, Paramedic, Early Childhood Educator The College Pathway

32 College Preparation (C) These courses teach the knowledge and skills required for college programs. These courses emphasize real-life applications and have some theoretical learning.

33 College  University There are joint programs that provide students with both the theoretical and practical skills required for their career and earn them a degree and a diploma in four years Multiple opportunities for transfer between colleges and universities exist. Check out

34 University/College Preparation (M) These courses teach the knowledge and skills required for both university AND college programs These courses emphasize both theory AND real-life applications

35 University programs provide theoretical academic training – you enter undergraduate programs and work on a Bachelor degree. Emphasis is on theoretical rather than practical learning. Visit The University Pathway

36 University Preparation Courses (U) These courses teach the knowledge and skills required for entrance to university programs. These courses emphasize theoretical learning, and therefore require a fair amount of reading. These courses demand strong study skills and an excellent work ethic.

37 Workplace Preparation (E) These courses teach knowledge and skills for: –the workplace –some apprenticeship programs These courses emphasize : –employment skills –independent research and learning skills ~~Smaller class size~~

38 Open Courses (O) These courses are suitable for all students These courses combine theory and real-life application ~~Yearbook requires a full year commitment.~~

39 Pathway decision What is my best choice for my success?

40 Pathway Destinations Where are students going after High School? Destination of students after 4 or 5 years of secondary school 6% Apprenticeship 20% College 34% University 25% Workplace (without OSSD) 15% Workplace (with OSSD) 6% Apprenticeship 20% College 34% University 25% Workplace (without OSSD) 15% Workplace (with OSSD)


42 Planning for Grades 11 and 12 On My Blueprint, look for the prerequisite courses for Grade 11 and Grade 12 courses Visual Arts – make sure you have grade 9 or 10 before choosing 11. The course flow chart is in Guidance. If you wish to change levels, pathways – see your counsellor. ~~Remember the concept of "planning backwards“. All post secondary institutions have required courses for their programs, so plan back from your chosen program.~~

43 Which course type in Grade 11? Think about your: commitment to academic success grade 10 teachers’ recommendations areas of interest, learning style, strengths possible destinations & requirements ~~Be realistic - “keeping all options open” can lead to closed doors! Success opens doors~~

44 Grade 11 Choices ~Select 8, plus an alternate~ English – ENG 3E0 or ENG 3C0 or ENG 3U0 Math – MEL 3E0 or MBF 3C0 or MCF 3M0 or MCR 3U0 6 other courses - Regional Arts? Compulsory courses missing? Pathway? Interests? You can select more than one grade 11 Phys. Ed. Course. Choose an extra course in case a course is full -> an alternate course Consider Co-Op as a choice  4 credits Think ahead to grade 12 as well - course requirements for post-secondary programs ~ MAKE SURE your path works well for next year~

45 Math: Things to Think About You must earn at least ONE Gr. 11 or 12 Math credit Four Grade 11 choices College Preparation (C) University/College Preparation(M) University Preparation (U) Workplace (E)

46 Gr. 11 Workplace Math (MEL 3E0) Useful in a variety of jobs and in managing adult life For students with difficulties learning math in the past For students who want to go straight to the workplace from secondary school; leads to MEL 4E0

47 Gr. 11 Foundations for College Mathematics (MBF3C0) Prerequisite for Grade 12 Foundations for College Math (MAP 4C0) Covers: personal finance, measurement and trigonometry, quadratic and exponential functions, reasoning with data

48 Gr. 11 Functions and Applications (MCF3M0) Prerequisite is MPM2D0 or MFM2P0**(caution) Leads to MDM4U0, MCT4C0, MAP4C0 in grade 12 Review descriptions of MCF3M0 MCT4C0 MHF4U0 Talk to the math teachers Review Math Pathways in Chart Your Course

49 Gr. 11 Functions – MCR3U0 Prerequisite is MPM 2D0; suggest mark of 75%+ Topics include: understanding functions, exponential functions, discrete functions and trigonometric functions Talk to the math teachers – fast pace Consider taking MCF3M0 first Required course to go to Advanced Functions MHF4U0 and Calculus and Vectors MCV4U0 Review Math Pathways in Chart Your Course ~~~Do you really need this particular math course?~~~

50 Resources to help you Chart Your Course - online, at ->Student Services -> Common Course Calendar Talk to teachers - current and future Do internet research Go to the Option Fair today and tomorrow, second half of lunch! See your counsellor Review the information from the Career Studies course if you have completed it.




54 Consider this.. Cooperative Education Pamphlet available from the Coop office Earn 4 credits by learning at school & work Select GLN4O0 code online (plus 4 others) Attend the Co-op assembly in March Complete the Co-op application, provide teacher references, attend an interview with Mr. Robertson Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program ( OYAP) Earn apprenticeship hours AND earn co-op credits.

55 Dual Credit Program May be taken in Grade 11 or grade 12 Experience college life: Sheridan, Humber, George Brown Earn between one and three secondary school credits towards high school graduation and between one and three college credits towards a diploma. Types of Programs: Construction Trades, Electrical, Precision Machining, Plumbing, Spa Management, Canadian Criminal Justice Systems, Social Psychology Information in Chart Your Course, or

56 Summer School Information will be available in late April and registration starts May 2016. Spaces are limited so register early! Make-up and new credits Summer Co-op for 2 credits – applications available in February Online courses –take the self test Other summer programs – look at website and check the Guidance Office

57 Things to consider before Grade 12 Extra curricular involvement and community involvement – required for some programs and scholarships and your 40 hours completed. Reference letters Additional criteria for post secondary programs – portfolios, essays, auditions Personal statement of experience forms U.S. schools –athletic scholarships

58 Final reminders You must select 8 courses for grade 11, and an alternate: if you want Stage Band or Vocal Jazz, please see a member of the music department. Choose your courses online at The online site opens today until February 12, 2016. Select your courses early since there is an electronic waitlist that date-stamps your selections. Come to the Guidance Office - ask questions - Talk to the teachers! Review this presentation at >student services->Course Selection

59 Choose Wisely!! That Co-op program looks really good! Talk to your parents Ask teachers about the gr. 11 courses Read the Course descriptions on My Blueprint Apply online EARLY at online EARLY at

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