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Income / Education OGT Prep Week of January 28, 2013 Ms. Lynch.

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1 Income / Education OGT Prep Week of January 28, 2013 Ms. Lynch

2 Let’s get started!  Do you have a job?  If yes, do you know what minimum wage is?  If yes, how many hours do you work?  Do you know how many hours a full time employee works each year?  Real example…

3 Learning Objectives Use problem solving skills to calculate and compare hourly rates and annual income. Project annual income given varied scenarios. Calculate mean and range to compare annual incomes. Conduct research to estimate the annual income for two professions (job titles) in a career field of interest.

4 Learning Objectives Select one of the professions and research the educational requirements for the profession. Research to identify one institution that offers the required program of study. Work with a peer to practice collaboration. Reflect on learning.


6 Hourly Rate: A fixed _________of money paid an employee for an _______ of work ($/hour) Annual Income: The _______amount of money paid to an employee for one __________(Annual Income = 2080 hours X Hourly Rate) Employee: a _______________that works for someone else in return for ______________ Post-Secondary Education: _____________ and/or education that occurs after high school _______________ Source:

7 Professions: a type of ______that requires special education, training, or ___________ Degree Requirements: something that is _______________or must be done to obtain a degree (certificate, license, etc.) Problem-solving: the process or act of __________a solution to an _____________ (or problem) Approach: to begin to ________ with or think about something

8 Logic: a proper or _____________ way of thinking about or understanding ________________ Solution: an _________________for something that is difficult to _________________ Explanation: the act or ________________ of making something clear or _____________to understand Data: facts or _________________used usually to calculate, _______________, or plan something

9 Compare / Contrast: to look at (two or more things) closely in order to see what is ____________ or different about them or in order to decide which one is _______________ Project: a task or problem in school that requires ___________ work over a period of ____________ Mean, Median and Mode: Mean is the _______________; Mode is the _________frequent; ______________ is the value in the middle. Maximum: the ____________________ number or amount that is possible or allowed

10 Minimum: the _______________ number or amount that is possible or allowed Range: a series of numbers that includes the highest and lowest possible amounts (Range = ____________ – ______________) Collaboration: to __________ with another person or group in order to ______________ or do something

11 Real Life Calculations Annual Income = (2080 hours / year) ($ / hour) Ohio Minimum Wage = $7.85 / hour

12 Google Searches Example: Ceramic Engineer Search Terms: – Ceramic Engineer, Salary, Education Requirements Result 1: Ceramic EngineerCeramic Engineer – Ceramic Engineering Programs + US Result 2:

13 Assignment Rubric WeightExcellentSatisfactory Poor Calculations 40% Seven of seven calculations for annual salary and projected annual salary are correct Five to six of seven calculations for annual salary and projected annual salary are correct Four or fewer of seven calculations for annual salary and projected annual salary are correct Content 40% Professions, income, education requirements and the institution identified are accurate (1-2 errors) 3 – 6 errorsGreater than 6 errors Engagement - (see checklist below) 20%see checklist below

14 Participation Score Number of times question asked or comment made during large group instruction 0  1 = 3 Actively participates in small group discussion No = 0Yes = 3 Complete Quick Write each day No = 0Yes = 2 Adheres to behavior expectations – on task, raise hand to ask question and speak quietly and respectfully to each other No = 0Yes = 2

15 Quick Write What did I learn today?

16 Career Fields (from ODE) Agricultural and environmental systems Arts and communications Business and administrative services Construction technologies Education and training Engineering and science technologies Finance Government and public administration Health science Hospitality and tourism Human services Information technology Law and public safety Manufacturing technologies Marketing Transportation systems

17 End of Lesson Reflection What did you learn? Can you give an example of “every day” math?

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