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HU245 Ethics Unit Three Seminar Ethics of Universal Healthcare

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Presentation on theme: "HU245 Ethics Unit Three Seminar Ethics of Universal Healthcare"— Presentation transcript:

1 HU245 Ethics Unit Three Seminar Ethics of Universal Healthcare
Russell Fail

2 New Business Web Research Discussion Thread Only one thread
Comparison of opposing arguments Comparison of opposing websites

3 More New Business Position Paragraph Pick one topic from units 2 or 3
Connect the topic to your own life experience Use course terms, concepts, and/or theories to support your position Use strong composition skills Use correct grammar and spelling

4 Access to Healthcare Is access to health care resources a basic right that should be provided and protected by government? 

5 Socialized or Universal?
What is the difference between government assured access and government delivery of healthcare services?

6 Rights and Duties Under Kantian ethics, a right of one party results in corresponding duty of another. What are the implications of a right to access to healthcare?

7 How to Pay? How should universal access to health care be funded?
What are the alternatives for funding? What ethical guidelines should be used to determine funding? Utilitarianism, altruism, ethical egoism?

8 Access to High Tech In the current free enterprise system, is it appropriate to limit access to the most expensive and sophisticated medical technologies to those who can afford to pay for them?

9 Should healthcare be rationed based on individual finances and insurance coverage?

10 Common Arguments For Universal Healthcare
Increasing number of uninsured Increasing lack of care due to rising prices Competitive disadvantage with other nations who have UHC High number of “free riders” who access healthcare under current system Access would encourage more preventative care More freedom to change jobs or start businesses It is ethically wrong for people to die and suffer for lack of money or insurance

11 Common Arguments Against Universal Healthcare
Government would have too much control Longer waits for those who have insurance now Result in higher taxes Lower profits would mean less innovation in healthcare Unfair to make one person pay for another’s care.

12 Perspectives to Consider
What would result in the best for the most in society?

13 More Ponderings What rights do individuals have?

14 Even More Ponderings Would your position change if your circumstances were different?

15 Questions?

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